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3rd Person POV
Since the game began a whole month has gone by, and 2,000 players have died so far....after all this time none of the players have been able to clear floor one...

(Y/n) was leaning on a brick wall while players were walking through the Town of Beginnings. She had her arms cross and a black cloak on.

I used to be a beta tester and even I haven't found out where the boss's lair is...

She sees players around a fountain chatting with each other and walks toward them.

And today, finally we're having a meeting to figure out how to find and defeat the floor one boss...

(Ok this is the one time I'll put the theme song because it felt right XD also imagine you being Asuna okay😋)

Kirito's POV
Someone clapped and got players attention. "Okay, let's get started, people!" A guy with blue hair and armor called.

I sat down on the stairs and listen to what he has to say. (I don't know where the meeting is being held and what's it called so😋)

"Thank you for responding for my summons today." He thanked everyone that was around. "My name is Diabel and in this game my job my own mind, I like to think I'm a 'knight'."

Players started laughing and saying that there isn't a job system here. He should know that Sword Art Online doesn't work like that.

He interrupted the laughter. "Today, our party discovered the boss room at the top of the tower."

Everyone gasped and asked questions about it. Good thing someone found it since we need to beat this game.

Diabel started to say his plan. "First, we need to defeat the boss, reach the second floor, and tell everyone waiting in the Town of Beginnings that it is possible to beat this game. And that is the duty of everyone of us here now! Isn't that right, everybody?" He asked.

Everyone started to mumble and murmur if it's right. Some nodded and players started clapping to show that we agree but I just smiled.

"Okay! Glad to hear you're all with me on this. Then without further delay, I'd like to get this boss-raid meeting started. First, I want you to team up into parties of six. A conventional party has no chance against a Floor Boss." He finished.

I gawked and looked around to see everyone forming a party together. I'm all alone! I look to my right and see two girls with cloaks on. I scoot over to them.

"You guys got left out too?" I asked them.

One responded coldly. "Not even. We weren't left out because we got each other. Besides, everyone else seemed to be friends already, so we just stayed out of it." She had a dark red cloak on and the other girl had a black one.

"So, you two already have a party together. Mind if I join?" I asked which caused the girl with the red cloak to growl but was stop by her friend.

"He just said we can't beat the boss on our own. So just for this fight?" I argued.

She looked at her friend and they both nodded. I swiped down and sent them a party invite. They clicked the 'O' button and now I can see their profile. I saw that one of their names were Asuna but I couldn't see the other girl's name.

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