Murder in the Safe Zone

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3rd Person POV

March 31, 2024. Floor 56: Pani

Many players that were apart of a strong guild gathered in one place. Klein's guild was there and so was Kirito and (Y/n). They were there for an important meeting and the one that was leading it was Asuna, (Y/n)'s old friend.

Asuna slammed her hand on the table. "We'll lure the Field Boss into the village." She said and everyone gasped.

"W-Wait a second. If we do something like that, the villagers..." Kirito claims but she interrupted him.

"That's the goal. While the boss is killing NPCs, we're going to attack it, and then destroy it." Asuna finishes but (Y/n) objects.

"NPCs aren't just 3-D objects like trees or rocks. They're-" Asuna looks at (Y/n).

"Alive? Is that it? They're only objects. Even if they're killed, they'll just respawn." Asuna said but (Y/n) shook her head.

"Asuna, I know we're old friends, but Kirito and I can't go along with that kind of plan." (Y/n) said as she crosses her arms.

Asuna looked at her. "It's been decided that this operation will be run by myself, Asuna, Vice Commander of the Knights of the Blood Oath. You will obey my orders." She reminds them which (Y/n) glared at her.

A stupid title won't change my mind...


As the guilds were leaving, Agil came out of the cave and caught up to Kirito and (Y/n).

"Hey." He called and they turned to him. "What's with you guys?"

Kirito questions Agil. "Huh?"

Agil walks up to them. "You two with the second-in-command...why are you three always like that?"

(Y/n) sighs while Kirito rubs his neck. "Asuna and I were old friends...I guess things changed during the time we were apart."

"We just don't have good chemistry." Kirito added and (Y/n) sighs again.

(Flashback: Yours and Kirito's)

"I expect to see your skills improved, okay?"

"You can become powerful. So if someone you trust ever invites you to join a guild, don't turn them down."

(Flashback Ends)

"Well that's what we said, but who knew that she'd turn into a floor-clearing demon in the top guild?" Kirito said narrowed his eyes.

(Ok I know I said I'll put the intro one time, but I just had to XD. Remember that you're Asuna in the opening but doing your own thing.)

3rd Person POV

April 11, 2024, Floor 59: Danac.

It was a beautiful day and the weather was nice. Kirito was laying down on the grass under a tree. (Y/n) was sitting down by the tree and stared at the sky.

"What are you two doing?" A voice interrupted them.

Kirito opened his eyes and (Y/n) looked at the person who interrupted. It was Asuna and she was glaring at the both of them.

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