Illusionary Avenger

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3rd Person POV

A stab was heard. (Y/n) looks at Yolko and her eyes widen. A knife was stabbed in Yolko's back which caused her to fall.

(Y/n) ran to the window, "Yolko!!" It was too late as she landed on the ground her body dispersed into shards. (Y/n) shivers a little and looks to see if they're was any clues.

That's when a black cloak figure was on a roof and ran. She glared, "Asuna, Kirito...Keep an eye on him!" She jumped to another roof and ran after the black figure.

"Wait!" Asuna yelled.

"(U/n)!" Kirito called.

She ignored them and kept running and jumping roof to roof. The black figure grab something from their cloak and (Y/n) gripped her sword. That's when the figure took out a teleport gem.

(Y/n) gasped a little tsked, "Damn it." She lets go of her sword and threw small daggers at the figure, but they were blocked by a force field.

Where the hell does he think he's going...

She kept running to try and cut them off. A bell rang and her eyes widen. They teleported and she stopped running. "Shit..."

The church bell kept ringing and ringing.


(Y/n) opened the door to the lodge and finds a angry Asuna. She notice Kirito leaning by the wall.

Asuna pointed her sword at her. "You idiot!" She glares, "Stop being reckless!" She put away her sword. "Well? What happened?"

(Y/n) close the door. "It was no use. He got away by teleporting..." She makes a fist. "Inside the inns, we're protected by the system. I thought she'd be safe here...." She then punch the wall hard. "Damn it!"

If I knew something like this would happen...she still be alive...

(Y/n) jumped a little as a hand was on hers. She saw that it was Kirito...he didn't say anything but she calmed down.

"That robe was Griselda's." Schmitt said and they both looked at him shaking. "It was Griselda's ghost...She's finally come to get revenge on us! For a ghost, pulling off a safe-zone PK would be simple, right?" He laughed creepily.

"That wasn't a ghost." Asuna turned to (Y/n) seeing that her bangs covered her eyes. "There's got to be a systemic logic to these two safe-zone murders. There's just got to be!" (Y/n) said calmly.

Kirito tighten his grip on (Y/n).



The three left downtown and sat by a bench. (Y/n) sat by Asuna while Kirito stand.

"I wonder if that black-robed figure was really Griselda's ghost? After seeing those two deaths happen right before my eyes...even I'm starting to think it's true." Asuna calmly says.

(Y/n) shakes her head. "No, that kind of thing could never happen. In the first place, a ghost wouldn't have had to use a teleport crystal..."

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