The End of the World

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3rd Person POV

Everyone kept attacking and attacking. They weren't giving up. The scythes kept trying to kill the two but couldn't. They kept dodging and blocking. Then...together...they gave it the final hit...

Back to the Present

The boss was in the red zone in its final health bar. Heathcliff notices it, "Everyone attack!"

They did what they were told and soon it dispersed into blue shards. Then the 'Congratulations' icon appeared.


Everyone was on the ground exhausted or resting. Kirito and (Y/n) were back to back and others were either laying down or sitting.

"How many did we loose?" Klein asked.

Kirito checked and frowns, "Fourteen died."

Agil was laying down but his expression was horror, "No way."

Klein had a face full of fear, "We still have 25 floors to go."

"Will we really be able to reach the top?" Agil asks with disbelief.

(Y/n) sighs a little and Kirito looks at Heathcliff. He keeps staring at him and his eyes widen. The fight between them both replayed in his mind and he furrowed his eyebrows.

He grabs his sword and stands up slowly. (Y/n) notice this and asks, "Is something wrong?"

He doesn't answer her and runs to Heathcliff with a activated skill. Heathcliff saw his attack but it was too late. As Kirito attacked, an 'Immortal Object' icon appeared.

Kirito gasped and (Y/n) stands up, "Idiot, what are you..."

She sees the icon and she remembers Yui. Everyone started to be curious and confuse about Heathcliff.

"'Immortal Object'." (Y/n) said and stands by Kirito as he puts away his sword.

"W-What's going on, Commander?" Asuna ask as she walks toward the two.

"This man is protected by the system so his HP will never fall into the yellow zone." Kirito states and everyone gasped, except (Y/n).

"Something has always bothered me, ever since I arrived here." Kirito looks up, "'Where is he hiding while he watches us and regulates the world?' But I forgot a simple piece of psychology." Kirito said and soon (Y/n) caught on.

"Something any kid knows, right?" (Y/n) asks and he nods.

"There's nothing as boring as watching someone else play an RPG. Isn't that right, Akihiko Kayaba?" Kirito finishes and everyone gasped. (Not you...of course)

Heathcliff tried to look shocked but he smirks, "Just for my reference, will you tell me how you figured it out?"

"The first time I thought something was wrong was during the duel. In that last instant, you were way too fast." Kirito said and Heathcliff nods.

"I suspected as much. That was an unfortunate mistake. You overpowered me to the point I needed to engage the system's over-assist mode." Heathcliff explains and everyone gasped.

He looks around with a smirk, "Yes, I am Akihiko Kayaba. And if I may add, I'm the game's final boss, who would've awaited you at the top floor."

Everyone backs away and gasp. (Okay they gasp way too much)

(Y/n) grips her sword and glares at him, "Not a bold move. The greatest player becomes the most fearsome boss."

Heathcliff chuckles, "Not a bad story line, is it? I've always thought that you two would be the ones to stand before me at the end, especially you, Kirito. Duel-wielding is the skill given to the player with the fastest reaction time, and he was to be the hero who opposes the demon king. But your power exceeded my expectations. Well, these unexpected events are what make an MMORPG so thrilling..."

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