The Blue-Eyed Demon

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3rd Person POV

They walked further into the dungeon, they were in front of 2 big doors.

"Have a teleport crystal ready, just in case." Kirito said and they hesitated but opened the door.

The three were in a ready stance and had their teleport crystals ready. Blue fire appeared and the boss glared at them. It was a dark blue bull and their eyes widen. Four health bars appeared as the boss's blue eyes look directly at them. It was the boss, Gleam Eyes.

The three eyes looked at it shocked and backs away a little. It roared and they yelled (Not You though!) as they ran to the nearest exit.


After they escaped the room, they were trying to catch their breath by sitting down for a moment.

"That one is gonna be tough to beat." Asuna said as she was panting.

Kirito agreed, "Yeah...At a glance, it only had one big sword, but I'm sure it has special attacks."

"We'll have to put tanks in the front row and keep switching."

He nodded, "I'd like to have around 10 shield users or so."

Asuna narrows her eyes, "Shield users, huh?"

Kirito looks at her with confusion. "What?"

"You two are hiding something, right?" She asks.

Kirito and (Y/n) looks at her with shock. "W-What's this, all of a sudden?" Kirito tried to play it cool.

Furrows her eyebrows. "Normally, the biggest advantage of a one-handed sword is using a shield. But I've never seen you two with one."

"I don't use them because they slow down my rapier. Others don't because they put style ahead of function, but..."

He pouts like a kid and crosses his arms. (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't use them because it slows down my Claymor..." She turns to Kirito, "That just leaves you Kirito. And you don't seem to be using the sword you commissioned from Liz either."

Asuna furrowed her eyebrows. "Very suspicious..."

There was a little silence until (Y/n) sighed. "Forget it. It's rude to pry into people's skills." She stood up and stretched. "Anyway, it's gotten late, but let's have lunch."

Asuna smiled and Kirito looked at her to see if she was lying. "What? D-Did you make it yourself?" He stuttered.

(Y/n) sweatdrops, "Don't get excited. Yes, I did. Take off your gloves before you eat." She said it like a command and he nodded.


She gave Asuna her sandwich and gave one to Kirito. "Here."

He takes it and a bite. He smiled, "This is good!"

Asuna nodded and (Y/n) blushed, turning her head. "Its just a sandwich."

After they ate (Y/n) was telling them how she made the taste by showing them the supplies she created.

"Wow! It's perfect! If you sold these, you'd make a fortune." Kirito said and (Y/n) glared at him.

"No's that good." She kept her glare as she was blushing a little.

Kirito then had a serious face and cross his arms. "N-No, you can't."

Asuna was confuse and (Y/n) had a 'Seriously' face. "You just said I should."

He turns to her, "Cause there wouldn't be any left for me." He said it so seriously which caused you to blush.

She punched him, "Tch, you're so greedy."

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