Edge of Hell's Abyss

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3rd Person POV

November 5, 2024, Floor 22: Lake Outside Coral City

It was the next morning and Kirito was at the lake fishing. He was bored to death. He looks at his hook empty and sighs.

"Catch anything?" A voice asked and he jumped.

It was an old man. He laughs, "Sorry to scare you..."

He then threw his line and sat beside Kirito. "My name is Nishida. In the game, I'm a fisherman. In Japan, I was head of the network security division for Toto High-Speed Internet."

"I'm Kirito. Didn't Toto High-Speed Internet..." Kirito trails and Nishida nods.

"Yes. I oversaw network security to this game." He said and soon his fishing line got something.

Kirito smiles with amazement, "It's big!"

Nishida reels it in, "Piece of cake."

"That was awesome." Kirito said and Nishida thanks him.

The fish dispersed, "I can catch these things, but I can't cook them. I'd love to stew them or make sashimi, but I don't have any soy sauce. Maybe baked with soy sauce. Or maybe with radishes and soy sauce..."

Kirito blinks and smirks, "I may be able to help with that."

Nishida pause and looks at Kirito with a 'Seriously' face. "Whaaaaaaaattttttttttt?"


It was noon and Kirito brought Nishida to his home he shared with (Y/n).

(Y/n) made dinner for them and after the meal they were drinking tea.

Nishida looks at them with a smile, "That was wonderful! I had no idea you could get soy sauce in this world."

"It's homemade." (Y/n) said as if it wasn't nothing. "Take some with you if you'd like."

"Really? I appreciate that!"

(Y/n) blushes, "I-It isn't a big deal. Anyway, your fishing skill must be very high. This idiot here, never managed to bring anything home."

Nishida laughs and Kirito narrows his eyes, "The lakes around here are too hard!"

"No, that isn't really true. The only difficult one is the big lake where you were fishing."

Kirito gawks, "What?!"

(Y/n) laughs, "Idiot..."

"Why design it like that?" Kirito complains.

Nishida jumps and points, "Yes, excellent question! In that lake there's a guardian you see."

"A guardian?" They both asked but Kirito asked unamuse.

"Yes...I've had it strike several times myself. But it was so powerful it dragged my pole away altogether. And so, I'd like to ask something of you." Nishida said with determination.

(Time Skip: Night)

Kirito stretches as he was laying down on the bed. (Y/n) was brushing her hair as she was in her pajama shorts and a (F/c) tank.

"I don't mind fishing for a guardian, but is it possible to switch with a fishing pole?" He asks as he was waving his arms together.

(Y/n) places her hairbrush down. "Well, it's possible. If you catch it, then what? Will you keep it?"

"Can you keep something like that?" He asked and turns off the light.

(Y/n) got a little use to sleeping with Kirito, so she started sleeping on his chest. She was staring at the window and listening to his heart beat.

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