To the World Tree

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3rd Person POV

The day turned to night and Suguha was laying in her room, staring at her fairy poster.

"I want to see virtual reality for myself..."

When was it that I first thought that?

She remembers when her brother was in the hospital room, still asleep in SAO.

At first, I saw virtual-reality games only as hateful things that took my brother away...

But I wanted to see the world my brother loved with my own eyes, no matter what. I wanted to know...

She closes her eyes and remembers when she first started ALO. She flew in sky along with birds that were in the game.

And I was surprised how enchanted I became with ALfheim Online...

The joy of flying through the sky with your own wings.

If I could keep flying as far and as high as my heart desired, I'd be willing to give up anything...

I think I understand now...

The reason my brother was so captivated by this world...


(Y/n) was laying on her bed as well. She hates how weak she looks.


She makes a fist.

I'm sorry that I look so weak...

Birds fly past the cage and (Y/n) sits up. She walks to the cage's bars and sees a tree that had (F/f)s.


Floor 47: Floria

Kirito and (Y/n) were helping their friend Silica to revive her pet companion, Pina. The two arrived in a floor filled with couples. (Y/n) saw (F/f)s, her favorite flower. Kirito saw her looking at them.

He then ran somewhere and came back. "Hey..."

(Y/n)'s thoughts were cut off when a black hair swordsman had something in his hand.

She looks at him. "What is it?"

He hands her a (F/f). "Take it. I saw you looking at them. It seems that you like them, don't you?" He smiles.

(Flashback Ends)

(Y/n) smiles at the memory and grips the bars.

She gave a look of determination, "Kirito...I know you'll get me out of here. Without a doubt."


A school bell rings, which means it was time to go home. Suguha has her kendo case with her and was walking down a outside hallway but soon someone cuts her off.

A guy with black short hair and glasses stops her, "Hold it, Leafa!"

She jumps a little but sighs, "I told you not to call me that at school Nagata."

Nagata is Recon but instead of having green hair he has black hair and brown eyes with glasses.

'Nagata' looks down and nods, "S-Sorry, Suguha..."

She starts to get angry at him for calling her by her first name and threaten him with her kendo case, "Idiot!"

He backs away and waves his hands, "I-I-I'm sorry! I meant Kirigaya!"

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