Captive Queen

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3rd Person POV

Out of nowhere the player yells in pain and fades away. Everyone looks at Kirito, shocked that he killed a player with a single blow.

He stands up, turns and smirks at the rest of the two players.

One of the two turns to him with disbelief. Kirito takes one step and with one hit the player fades just like the other.

Kirito turns and looks at Kagemune, "Well? You want to fight too?"

Kagemune shakes his head and shrugs, "I'll pass. My magic skill will reach 900 soon. I don't want a death penalty."

Kirito nods, "At least you're honest about it..." He turns to Leafa, "What about you, Miss?"

Leafa sighs and puts a hand up, "I'm good too. Next time, I'll win."

Kagemune sweat drops, "I'd prefer not to fight you one-on-one."

He then flies away and the two just stood there watching him flee.


There were two flames that were lit out of nowhere.

"Hey, what are these flames?" Kirito asked Leafa.

She shushed him, "Shh...Remain Lights. Their minds are still there."

After a little while the flames fade away. Leafa then looks at him, "So, what should I do now? Thank you? Run away?"

She readies her sword, "Or should I fight?"

Kirito puts away his sword and crosses his arms, "Personally, I see this as the scene where the knight of shining armor saved the princess. And she weeps and runs into his arms."

Leafa glares at him, "Are you an idiot?"

He smiles and put his hands on his hips, "I was kidding!"

He laughs and Leafa's eyebrow twitched. A small but high voice interrupts Kirito's laughter.

"No way! You can't do that!" The voice yelled.

"Hey, stay out of sight..." He covers his shirt pocket but soon Yui flew out.

She lands on his shoulder, "Only Mommy and I can hug Daddy!"


Kirito covers Yui, "Oh...Well, this is..."

Leafa walks towards him and sees Yui, "Hey, is that a private pixie?"

He awkwardly smiles, "Y-Yeah, something like that."

"Mhmm..." She didn't know whether to believe him or not.

Leafa sighs, "Fine, but why is a Spriggan wandering around here?" She starts walking around him in circles.

"I-I got lost..." He said and Leafa stops.

She stops and starts laughing, "Your territory is way to the east! How can you be that lost? You're so weird."

She keeps laughing but soon stops and puts her sword away.

"Anyway, I should thank you. Thanks for saving me. My name's Leafa." She introduced herself.

"I'm Kirito. This is Yui." He said and Yui smiles and flies to his shoulder.

Leafa looks at him, "So, Kirito...What'll you do now? If you'd like, I could buy you a drink as thanks. Well?"

He nods and smiles, "That'd be nice. Actually, I was looking for someone who could explain a few things."

"Like what?" Leafa asked, confused.

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