The Girl of Morning Dew

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3rd Person POV

October 24, 2024-Floor 55: Grandzam

Kirito and (Y/n) arrived at the guild's headquarters. They were standing in front of Heathcliff.

"I understand the situation. I'll explain it to the rest of the guild." He said.

"There's that, and we're also requesting temporary leave from the guild." (Y/n) requested.

"Why is that?" He asked.

(Y/n) answered, "We're starting to question the current state of the guild."

Heathcliff sighed but nodded, "Very well. However, you'll return to the battlefield before long."

(Y/n) rolls her eyes but nodded.


October 25, 2024-Floor 22

The two arrived at the cottage that Kirito talked about. They had a nice balcony and they both walks to it. (Your outfit is the picture but instead of that pattern shirt it's just your favorite color)

(Y/n) notices the view of the trees, mountains and lakes, "Damn, look at this view..."

He walks toward her and put his hand on her waist. "Don't get too close to the edge and fall."

The wind blows through their hair as they look at the view and they look at each other and smile. A silver ring on Kirito's right hand shined from the sun's rays .

"We bought a nice house." (Y/n) said and Kirito ruins the moment.

"Although we're totally broke now."

(Y/n) laughs and as she rest her left hand on Kirito's where a silver ring rested on her finger. "'s worth it because we can live in peace here."

She looks at Kirito and notice he wasn't saying anything. "Kirito? What's wrong?"

"Hey, (U/n)..." He trails, "Does our relationship only exists in this world?"

She looks at him with a 'Seriously' face. She slaps his head softly, "Idiot...Even if this is a virtual world, my feelings are real."

Kirito nods and his eyes widen as (Y/n) rests her hands on his cheeks, "There's just one thing I've learned here. To keep doing your best till the end."

He blushes as she keeps looking at him with a smile, "When we make it back to the real world, I'll find you again, no matter what." She then blushes, "And...Fall in l-love with you, again."

She leans in and kisses him softly. Kirito was shocked but pulls her closer and kisses her back.


It was morning and the sun's rays shown at the newlyweds window. They both shared a bed together and (Y/n) was already awake.

She smiles down at Kirito.

Usually, he's an idiot. But then he can be surprisingly naïve or like a little kid.

Her eyes widen and slides away from him a little bit.

He's not younger than me, right?!

She takes a deep breath and lays down by him again. She rests her hand on his cheek, "Kirito..."

(Y/n) takes his hand and squeezes it a little. "I love you...even if you're an idiot sometimes."

Kirito then starts waking up and as he did, (Y/n) yells and jumps away from him with a red face. "G-Good morning, K-Kirito."

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