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3rd Person POV

It was a normal sunny day in floor 22. Kirito and (Y/n) were sitting in a rocking chair together.

(Y/n) fell asleep and Kirito plays with her hair while reading a book. He smiles at her and looks at the sky.

It was so peaceful that nothing could ruin it...

At least...

That's what he thought...

An apple falls of the table and splats on the ground.

Kirito jumps up and looks around. The floor was red as blood. His house starts breaking apart.

"(U/n)...(U/n)!" He calls since she wasn't anywhere in sight.

His house disappears and the book he was reading, dispersed.

His heart starts beating fast and breathing hard. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looks at everything in fear...


Kirito jumps up from his bed and tries to catch his breath. He touches his face and looks at his NerveGear. He calms down and gets out of bed.

He looks at a clear clock and himself. He had tears falling but he wipes them away with his sleeve.

He sadly smiles, "I've...become such a crybaby. Haven't I, (Y/n)?"

(In the opening, imagine you're in Asuna's place.)


It was a normal day in Japan. A girl with short black hair and blue emerald eyes was practicing kendo. She kneels down to the pond and looks at her reflection, "We don't look alike after all, do we?"

She stands up and looks serious. She started practicing her Kendo. Memories of her last words to her brother before the incident.

She remembers seeing him in the hospital bed and how sad she was...

And remembers when he finally woke up...

She takes a breather and walks to the porch where Kirito was waiting. She gawks as she sees him watching her.

"Morning, Sugu." He greeted her with a big smile.

She stutters, "M-Morning..."

He tosses her a water bottle and she struggles catching it. She gives him a blank stare, "Honestly...If you were watching, you should've said something."

He kept his smile, " were just so into it."

She walks and sits by him. "I wasn't really. It's just a habit now." Sugu places her kendo down and drinks her water.

Kirito grabs it and examines it. "I see...You've kept it up all this time, right? It's light."

"That's timber bamboo, so it's pretty heavy." She said and he nods.

"Well, not as much as I imagined...Or relatively speaking I mean..." He places the kendo down and drinks her water.

She blinks then blushes. She looks away and pouted, "What are you comparing it to?"

She asks herself and Kirito looks at her. "Hey, want to give it a go?"

"A go? You mean a match?"

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