The Truth About Alfheim

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3rd Person POV

ALfheim, Neutral Territory

Central Capital, Arun

Leafa awes at the view before her. In front of her, was a beautiful city filled with bright lights and gorgeous scenery.

Kirito awes it too and looks at the sky, seeing the World Tree.

"The World Tree..." He trails and Leafa smiles.

"Yeah, no question about it. This is Arun! The center of ALheim, the biggest city in the world."

He nods, "Yeah, we're finally here."

Yui flies out Kirito's pocket and awes the place, "I've never been to a city this size."

"Me neither. The ore light looks like stardust..." Leafa compliments in awe.

Out of nowhere, a strange noise came from the city.

A voice came out of nowhere and announced, "The server will be down today, January 22, from 4:00 AM to 3:00 PM for scheduled maintenance. Players are asked to log out 10 minutes in advance."

The announce started to repeat the announcement as Leafa yawns.

"That's all for today, huh? Let's log out at an inn." She thought, looking at Kirito.

He doesn't look at her but agrees, "Sure..."

Leafa looks at him as he continues, "Well, let's find an inn. I blew all my cash so nowhere too pricey."

She puts her hands on her hips, "That's because you were showing off by giving all your money to Sakuya. You should have saved money for an inn."

He laughs awkwardly and rubs his neck.

Leafa turns to Yui with a smile, "You heard your dad. Is there a cheap inn nearby?"

Yui hums and points to a direction of an inn, "There's a super-cheap one down there."

"S-Super-cheap, huh?" Leafa smiles awkwardly.

Kirito starts walking toward the city, "Let's go."

"Ah, wait, Kirito..." Leafa says and catches up with him.

She stops midway and looks up at the World Tree.

Wind blows through her hair as she admire it.

Wondering if anything was up there.


Escaping the cage, (Y/n) runs on the tree path and stops. She crouches down and sees a little cave.

An opening...

She runs toward it, sneakily and sees a mechanic door. Finding a button, she presses on it and the door opens.

She looks around and all she saw was a white hallway.


Back in the real world, Kirito was outside washing his face.

He hears the doors sliding open causing him to turn and smile, "Morning, Sugu."

She rubs her eyes and yawns, "Morning, Kazuto."

"You look really sleepy. When did you get to bed last night?"

"Let's see...Four, I think?"

He puts on the water and teased, "A kid shouldn't stay up that late. What were you doing?"

"I guess I was on the Internet..." She lies, looking away from him.

Kirito narrows his eyes, "You'd better go easy on that. Not that I should talk."

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