The Sword Dance of Black and White

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3rd Person POV

Blade to blade clashing together. A boss against a player, they both clash their swords. The player dodges and attacks the boss. As it was the right moment Kirito got out his new sword and attacked the boss which killed him.

Nearly two years have passed since this death game started...

I'm still fighting with Kirito on the front lines...

Kirito puts away his sword.

Akihiko Kayaba is out there somewhere, watching this world...

Wonder what he's feeling right now...

He sighed and walks away, "Guess I'll be heading home."


As Kirito was walking through the forest until a sound caught him off guard.

He looks at a bush closely, "Is that..." Kirito takes out two small daggers and activated a skill. He throws the dagger but misses. Then a gray rabbit jumped until Kirito throws another dagger and killed it.


Floor 50: Algade

"Seriously? But this is an S-Class rare item!" Agil said as he looked at the item Kirito received. "I've never laid eyes on the real deal til now either!"

Agil looks at Kirito, who was leaning on the counter. "Hey, Kirito. Don't you already have all the money you need? Buy it off you? Wouldn't you rather eat it yourself?"

Kirito nodded, "I'd love to eat it. I'll probably never get my hands on one again."

"Then keep it."

"But who has their cooking skill high enough to prepare an item like this?" Asked Kirito and Agil sighed.

"Right...If we tried, we'd just burn it..."

Kirito then hummed a little until someone tapped his shoulder. "Idiot..." A familiar swords-woman called.

He turned around and sees (Y/n) with a blank face. He then realizes something, he takes (Y/n)'s hand and held it. "I found my chef."

(Y/n) was confused. "What? Also let go of my hand." She demands.

He did and acts awkwardly, "Hey! How unusual to see Asuna in a dump like this." He said changing the subject. Agil glares at him since he called his shop a 'dump'.

"Asuna..." (Y/n) said and sees Asuna behind her with a guard.

She had her hands on her hips, "It's almost time for the next boss I came to see if you two were still alive."

"We're on your friend list. You can tell from that, can't you?" Kirito said.

She scoffs, "Whatever, as long as your alive, that's good enough."

(Y/n) looks at Kirito and asks, "Anyway, what's going on? Something about a chef?"

"Oh, yeah. What's your current cooking skill?" He asks.

"I maxed it out last week." (Y/n) said with a blank expression.

The boys and Asuna gasped, "What?"

(Y/n) shrugs her shoulders, "It's no big deal."

Kirito then had a serious face. "If you're that good, I have a favor to ask you."

He swiped down and scrolls through his item list. He then showed (Y/n) something and caught her by surprise. "Th-This is a Ragout Rabbit!"

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