Chapter Thirty-Five

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(Apologizing for any errors in advance. It's late and I'm tired. Besides that, Enjoy!)

Marc’s POV-

“Knock, Knock..” The Nurse chimed in.

“Hello.” Neymar,Gianna, and I said in unison.

“It’s feeding time for Ms.Bartra..” She smiled.

She walked to me and handed me the smallest little bottle I’ve ever seen. I examined it with one hand as I held Analyssa in the other. I shook the bottle and I looked back at the nurse, waiting for her to give me the green light.

“Do I just….put it in her mouth?” I asked.

She laughed and answered, “Yes, she will know that it’s her bottle and begin sucking on it. Don’t worry, most parents are like this the first time.”

I looked at her again and then I hesitantly stuck the little bottle nipple in her mouth. She began drinking it and I felt my nerves go away. I smiled and look at everyone as if I just accomplished the biggest challenge in the world.

After she was done, the nurse helped me with the burping and instructed me on how I should do it.  

“Now that she’s full, would you like me to put her into her incubator?” She asked.

“Does she need to go back in there?” I questioned.

“It’d be best if she did.” She answered.

I sighed and kissed her little forehead. I carefully handed her back to the nurse and watched her put her in the little box looking thing, which I hated. We thanked the nurse and she left.

“I’ve got 2 of the essentials down, one more to go, the one that’s going to be the hardest.” I joked.

“You’ll get used to it bro, trust me.” Neymar laughed.

We talked about parenthood and how he adjusted to his life as a dad and what not until someone knocked on the door.

“We’re here to visit a certain little someone..” Pique whispered, peeking his head through the door.

He walked in, followed by his girlfriend Shakira and their son Milan. First they greeted Gianna and Neymar and then they came to me.

“We’ll go get some coffee, do you guys want anything? Milan, do you want to come?” Gianna whispered.

She grabbed the toddler from Shakira’s arms and he was completely okay with it.

“No, thank you.” I said and watched her, Milan and Neymar leave.

“Congrats Daddy Bartra.” Pique smiled, giving me a bro hug.

“Congratulations Marc.” Shakira told me in her thick accent, giving me a hug.

I thanked them both and they stepped closer to the incubator.

“How’s Emelyn doing?” Pique asked.

I knew this question would pop up because nobody knew just yet. I took a deep breath and looked down at the ground.

“S-she passed away shortly after birth..” I managed to say.

Both Gerard and Shakira gasped, “oh my god..”

“I-I’m so sorry to hear that..” Shakira gulped.

“Aw man, I’m sorry. Was she sick or something?” Pique asked.

“She uh, she had Eclampsia. Her friend rushed her here and she called me 10 minutes later. I showed up and right away I was told that I needed to choose between Em and the baby.” I muttered, holding back the tears.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now