Chapter Thirty-Eight

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*2 months later*

Gianna's POV-

"What if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks that I'm the worst one out of all your girlfriends?" I worriedly asked Neymar.

I was cleaning the kitchen counters for the 10th time today in preparation for the arrival of Neymar's mother. Neymar and I have been dating for about 2 and a half years but I haven't met her. I've met his father, sister, and of course Davi Lucca but never his mom. I have obviously talked to her through the phone or FaceTime but never face to face, until today that is. She and the rest of the family were coming here to watch Barcelona try and win the next two trophies and achieve the triplete.

As I cleaned like a madwoman, Neymar suddenly took the rag from my hand and places both his hands on my shoulders, "She is going to love you. I have no idea why you're so worried. Just calm down, go upstairs and change because she's going to be here any minute."

I frowned and accepted my fate. I was finally going to meet her whether I was mentally prepared or not. There are many reasons as to why I'm so nervous but there's one that is yet to come out.

"You'll be fine, now go change." He smiled and gave me a quick kiss.

I gave him a weak smile and ran back upstairs and into his room. Even if I basically do live here, I still refused to call it our house because it's yet to be official.

Anyways, I got to the closet and began putting on the outfit that I had already laid out. I had out a nice, modest length burgundy dress and the usual black heels. I paired the outfit with diamond earrings and a few bracelets. As I touched up the makeup that I had done hours before, I heard the doorbell ring.

Damn it, I thought.

I put down the tube of lipstick and looked at myself in the full length mirror. I pat down my dress and took a deep breath.

I walked down the stairs and there they were, sitting down and chatting in the living room.

"There she is." Neymar smiled.

I looked at him and gave him a kiss and a hug.

"You'll be okay.." He whispered into my ear.

"You look stunning! Come here and give me a hug!" Nadine shrieked, snapping us out of it.

I laughed and immediately made my way to her.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." I said as I hugged her.

"Likewise, love. I'm so glad to meet the girl that makes my baby boy so happy." She mused.

I turned to Neymar and smiled as he beamed with happiness.

We sat down and talked for about 30 minutes before heading out. It was going swell until she decided to bring up the "B" word aka baby/ies. This topic made me a bit uneasy, especially right now.

"So are you guys trying? Would you even want to have children together?" She asked.

Neymar and I kind of looked at each other, not wanting to answer to avoid hurting the other's feelings. I mean we never really talked about it so we weren't really clear on when we wanted to try or if we even want kids at all for that matter.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now