Chapter Thirty-Seven

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*A few days later*

Marc, how do you feel about this?

"Just walk. Do not answer any questions right now." My lawyer whispered in my ear.

I grabbed onto Gianna's hand and guided her through the madness, with the help of our security which was pushing the reporters away.

How is the baby doing?

How do you feel about your sister-in-law fighting for custody?

Who do you think will win?

When we made it to the doors, we walked in and there we caught a glimpse of Roselyn (Ross-a-lyn). Roselyn was Emelyn's older sister. We never really got along because I may or may've not hooked up with her, long before I met Emelyn. How did it happen? I don't even know. The only thing I remember is running from that hotel like Usain Bolt the next morning.

How she even convinced herself to fight for custody is beyond me. I am Analyssa's biological father but I guess I am not fit enough to care for my own child in her eyes. I didn't care what she thought about me though. All I cared about was fighting this and keeping my child.

After a few minutes, we were able to step into the court room and begin this showdown. I sat down between my lawyer and Gianna in one side while Roselyn sat on the other. Gianna held onto my arm as Martin, my lawyer took out a whole bunch of papers from his briefcase.

"We will now begin. We have Roselyn Valenzuela Mendez vs Marc Bartra Aregall for custody of Analyssa Marina Bartra Valenzuela." The plaintiff announced.

Our lawyers began with the opening statements and then after that, they basically began grilling each other. If Roselyn's lawyer said something that somewhat made sense, Gianna would sigh and I could tell that she was getting scared. I mean I was scared too but I mean come on, it's the father's word against the aunt's word. After the lawyer's grilled each other, it was now our turns to speak.

"Who will love the child? The father will clearly be too busy with his career as a professional footballer to be with the child 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week. What if she becomes ill? Will her father be there" She turns to look at Gianna, "or will her equally as young and unexperienced aunt be there?" Roselyn stated.

Did they seriously just pull the career card? Really? Low blow, I thought.

"She will not live in a stable home. What if her father gets transferred, loaned out? She simply will not have the stable environment that she needs. I know for a fact that being both a full time father and professional footballer simply won't work out for him or the baby. Besides that big factor, this man and his sister are not experienced in child care. Knowing from past experience, he can hardly care for his French bulldog."

"Very well. Mr. Bartra, do you have any words?" The Judge asked.

"I do your honor." I firmly said, getting up and buttoning my blazer.

"I can see where Roselyn is coming from but I believe she has it all wrong your honor. My job may seem demanding but it really isn't. If Analyssa is sick, I can easily leave just like any other parent would. Nothing would hold me back from my daughter. I would not care if I had to miss the most important game to go home to my child and I know that the FC Barcelona team and president would not mind. As for her talk on loans and transfers, I have been guaranteed no loans and I personally do not plan to leave FC Barcelona. We can always look at this as having 1 dad and 1 aunt but in reality, Analyssa has 11+ men who love her as if she were their own."

After I finished my sentence, Roselyn's side asked for a recess so we had to stop. I gathered with my people and we talked about what else I should say.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now