Chapter Four

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-Neymar's POV

As I started walking down the street I saw her. She looked stunning. I finally reached her and hugged her. I went to open the door to the coffee shop and let her walk in first. We ordered our drinks and sat down. We started talking about miscellaneous topics like the weather and what not. Then out drinks came and I started asking her about her.

"Okay so Gianna I was wondering how exactly are you related to Marc?"

"He's my very sweet but sometimes annoying brother" she said then taking a sip from her drink.

"Oh alright so how old are you? What are your hobbies? Who's your favorite player in Barça ? What's-" I start asking then I get cut off.

"Woah take it easy man! Let me answer the first two and then we'll continue with the rest" Gianna said while laughing.

I apologize and she answers my questions. From what she was telling me I noticed she was pretty outgoing, a little weird, which is fine and she was friendly. She was also really humble. Overall, I learned a lot about her and she learned a lot about me. Then I was drinking my coffee and she does this funny face and I start choking. That automatically made her start laughing and her laugh was so adorable. We stayed there for an hour and a half just laughing and enjoy each other's company. This girl was amazing...

-Gianna's POV

Coffee with Neymar was great. I learned so much about him and vise versa. It was almost 10:45 when we decided to leave.

"I've gotta get to practice at 11:30 so we better get going" he says.

"Yeah I should probably get home before Marc leaves so he doesn't worry." I reply

"Alright well I really enjoyed this and I would honestly love to go out again." He said.

"I did too. It was really fun and we got to know each other a lot."

"Well would you like to go out to dinner maybe tomorrow? Or later on today?" He asks.

"I would love to, but I will take the invite for tomorrow!" I say with a smile.

"Okay we'll see you tomorrow beautiful." He says. He then hugs me but then he kisses me on the cheek and walks away with a smile.

I stand there in aw about what happened. I touch my cheek and lean against my car as he walks away. I said it before and I'm saying it again, he's something else. I snap out of it and get into my car and drive off. I get home and park in the long drive way. I see Marc hasn't left but it's almost time for him to go so I can avoid the "long talk" for at least a couple more hours. I walk in and he's coming down the stairs with his training bag and his training clothes on.

"Alright I'm leaving to practice but don't think I forgot about the talk. Don't make other plans because tonight it's a brother/sister night." He says and I just nod.

"Okay see you later. Love you." He says and kisses the top of my head.

"Love you more. Don't die or get anyone pregnant!" I joke.

"You're a freak G. I'm going to practice not to meet someone! Okay seriously bye!" He says as he walks out the door.

And with that he leaves. I'm already full from the food and coffee I had with neymar so I just sit on the couch and watch tv. Then I eventually dozed off.

-Marc's POV

I get to Camp Nou and don't know if I should talk to Neymar about this thing with my sister....I decided to talk to him about it to avoid the talk later on when they (most likely) become a thing.

*in the locker rooms at camp nou*

The guys all left to the field and the only ones there were Neymar and me. He glances at me as he puts on his cleats and I start to speak up..

"So what's up with you and my sister?

"As of right now...nothing,you know?. Just friends but I'm kinda hoping that will change..She's a great girl Marc." He says while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah she is. So that means that you know...planning on dating her?"

"I learned so much about her today and she's an amazing girl and her personality is on point. So honestly, if you don't mind, well whether you like it or not, I probably will try to make it official with her one day in the (very) n e a r future.. " he says with a huge smile

"Alright well good to know you aren't leading her on dude but as her big brother you know I'm going to be protective as hell. So let me just give you the talk right now...She's my first priority so I expect her to be yours. She deserves only the best Neymar. I'm not saying you're a bad guy but if you hurt her I will end things between you guys and then I will personally go beat your ass." I say seriously.

"Haha alright Bartra. But don't worry, when we go out I don't plan on hurting her. I will treat her how she deserves to be treated, like a queen." Neymar says with a smile as he starts walking towards the field.

"Thanks man." I say and smile.

I know that it's to early to tell if they will end up being a thing but at the house Gianna looked like she enjoyed herself. She seemed genuinely happy so by the looks of it they will end up together. Plus Neymar lit up like a Christmas tree when he talked about her to me..I finally start to walk to the field and shake everything off. I hear coaches' whistle and start running...



Okay guys this one sucked so bad I know. I just wasn't feeling it bc today was pretty hectic. I also know it's confusing! I'm so sorry lol. 😔

guys please, if you're enjoying vote/comment!

If you guys don't i will probably stop writing because I don't wanna do it for nothing ya feel? okay bye guys! Goodnight! 🌝🌚

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now