Chapter Twenty

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Marc’s POV-

The guys all walked into the waiting room and sat down. I stayed standing so I can clearly tell them all that happened. I told them about the drama with our mom and everything that happened after that.

“So basically this is all your mom’s fault?” Pique said.

I just nodded and sat down next to Messi.

“I mean I get that she doesn’t like you but it’s a low blow that she made a big scene out in the public.” added Alexis.

“I’m sorry if this offends you but your mom is a bitch. She literally made her own daughter end up in the fucking hospital!” Dani lightly screams, kicking a chair.

After that we all stayed quiet for a bit. I was growing impatient and I just wanted to see my little sister. I guess you could tell that I was worried so Messi put his hand on my back and started talking to me.

“I’m sure she’s okay. They’re probably running some tests on her and what not. You know how hospitals are…” He said.

“Yeah.  I guess.” I simply respond.

We all sat there, not knowing what to do. It has been an hour and they still didn’t tell me anything. I was even trying to take a quick nap but nope. Nothing worked. While I looked attentively at the waiting room entrance, I see a nurse walk by and I get up to ask her if she had any info on Gianna.

“Hello Miss. I was wondering if you know anything on Gianna Alyssa Bartra?” I asked.

”Are you a family member?”

“Yeah, I’m her brother.”

“Okay let me check and I will come back shortly.” She said with a smile.

I just nod and watch her walk away. She was actually very cute. I thought that maybe I should get her number? Wait, no. I’m dating Emelyn .I just walk back in and the guys ask me what she said so I told them. After a few minutes, the cute nurse walks in and she calls me out into the hallway.

“Okay so Gianna actually started convulsing when she got into the room and she went unconscious. They didn’t give me any other information, but I think I heard something about her blood pressure. The doctor said she is stable right now and that she is asleep. He will come talk to you in a bit.”

“Okay, thank you.” I reply shaking my head in disbelief.

“Um I know this isn’t a good time for you but I need to get your name….for any future problems.”

“I’m Marc.” I say and turn around to walk back into the room.

“Nice to meet you Marc..” she says shyly.

I chuckle and turn back around.

“And what’s your name?” I ask.

“I’m Madison.”

“Well I’ll see you around, Madison.” I say and walk away.

This girl was shy and I found that very cute. Ugh what am I even saying? I should be focused on my sister, not on her nurse. Anyways, I walked back in and told the guys the update on G.

“I honestly didn’t know it was this bad.” Says Mascherano with a sadden face.

The rest of the guys agree and all of a sudden Neymar gets up and walks out of the waiting room.

Neymar’s POV-

After Marc gave us updates on Gigi I couldn’t take it any longer so I walked out. I just needed some fresh air because I despise hospitals. I walk out into a little courtyard and take a seat on the bench. I don’t like hospitals, especially when someone I care about is in one. I go on my phone and read the tweets people have been sending me. A lot are about Gianna and how they’re hoping that she gets better.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now