Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Gianna’s POV-

The drive to Emelyn’s house was pretty quiet. When we got there I observed the fancy-looking building.

“Acting pays good money.” Marc quipped, passing me by.

I rolled my eyes but followed him into the building. The doorman looked at us and extended his arm, telling us to go ahead. I kindly smiled and caught up to Marc who was already in the elevator.

“She doesn’t know you’re coming..” Marc muttered.

“Then what am I doing here! What if she doesn’t want me here?” I question.

“She will don’t even worry.”

The door opened and he put his arm around my shoulders as we walked down the dimly lit hallway.  We stopped in front of a white door with a number plaque that read “2J”. Marc knocked and almost immediately the door flung open.

 “Gianna! Wow what a surprise!” she exclaimed.

“Hey Em..” I smiled.

“Come in, Come in!” she offered.

I walked in and right away the great scent of pizza and wings made it’s way into my nose. I observed the big apartment while her and Marc made out beside the door. Her place had a very modern feel, sort of like our house. As I walked passed a corridor, towards the living room, I peaked in and saw where the glorious smell was coming from.

“Um, can we eat?” I blurted out.

“Yeah let’s eat.” Marc chimed.

We served ourselves food and we all went to eat in the living room. I sat on the floor, next to the coffee table while they sat on the couch.

“So Em, you excited?” I asked, taking a bite of my pizza.

She was chewing her food but she quickly swallowed, “Yeah I am.”

Y tu Marcito?” I teased.

He gave me an unconvincing nod and returned to eating. When we all finished, Emelyn got up to grab a few board games so we can play.

“Uno?” she asked.

“YES!” I urged.

She got the cards out and started distributing them to Marc, herself and I.

“So, any names yet?” I asked, while looking at my cards.

“Well I’ve always liked the name Alessandra for a girl and Matthew for a boy.” She recalled.

“Cute, Cute.” I respond.

Em put down the first card and soon we were all getting super into it.

“Draw four motherflipper!” I yell at Marc.

“God Gianna you’re such a b!” he argues, grabbing the cards.

Moments later, I had two cards, Marc has 7 and Emelyn had 4. I waited for her to take her turn and she opened the path for me. I slammed my 2nd to last card down.

“UNO BITCHES!” I cheered, dancing around the living room.

“No! Let’s play another one!” Emelyn retorted.

I took her on and we played another 2 games, all which I won.

“Can’t beat the best.” I smirked, falling back onto the couch.

We play a bunch of other board games until I ultimately get bored.

“Don’t want to be a buzzkill but Marc can you take me home? I’m pretty tired.” I yawn.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now