Chapter Ten

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Sorry for not updating guys. I understand if you kind of hate me lmao.

Been super super busy so yeah but anyways, THANK YOU FOR 1K READS! Didn't think I'd get any reads tbh but now look!

Ugh you guys are great. Love ya so much!


Gianna's POV-

We walked down stairs and made it seem like nothing happened. I didn't want to tell Marc just yet so we kept it on the DL.

"So I'm guessing that you guys are good?" Marc asked Neymar and me.

"Yup. We're perfectly fine." Neymar said hugging me.

"Well Neymar if you'd like you can stay for dinner. It's only me and Gianna anyways."

"Um no, I wouldn't want to interrupt you guys. I'll pick up something on my way home. See ya tomorrow Bartra!"

"and see you tomorrow too babe." Neymar whispered in my ear.

Neymar said goodbye and left the house. I grabbed a plate and served myself and Marc as well. We talked about what happened with Neymar but I left out the part where we kind of became boyfriend and girlfriend. When we finished we cleaned up the kitchen and I made my way up the stairs. I got to my room and went into my huge closet. It was filled with designer clothes, bags, and shoes. It was fairly clean so I sat down and began putting away the new items I had gotten today. While I was sitting in my closet, Marc came into my room looking rather nice.

"Wow where are you going guapo?" I said standing up.

"I'm going out with Sergi and some other guys." He says looking at himself in my vanity mirror.

"oh alright well have fun."

"I plan too. Don't wait up! Goodnight, love you!" he says walking out of my closet and room.

I go back into my room and lay on the bed. I hear Marc's car start up and peel out of the drive way so I get on the phone and call Neymar.

Phone Call with Neymar:



Hey babe. What's up?

Well Marc just left and I'm bored so I wanted to talk to you, even if you literally left like 2 hours ago..

Lol wow. Want me to come over?

No no. its fine. But what are you doing Mr. Santos?

Well Ms. Bartra, I was actually falling asleep.

Oh! Sorry if I woke you up! I'll let you go to sleep alright?

It's fine G, but I am tired so I'll talk to you tomorrow. We should go out before or after practice yeah?

Yeah definitely! Just text me.

Alright goodnight baby.

Goodnight Neymar.

I hang up with Neymar and check the time, 10 pm. Well I guess it is kind of late. I scroll through tumblr and reblog some fashion things until I check the time again,10:45. I put my phone down and check if Marc's car was here, and it wasn't. He said not to wait up so I just strip into my bra and underwear and go to bed.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now