Chapter Twenty-Five

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Gianna’s POV-

*morning after*

 I wake up to the blinding sun shining in my face and to an arm holding me tightly. I wait until my eyes adjust to the light of the room and I slowly turn around.  I am now facing a sleeping Neymar.

I look at his angelic face as he lightly snores, deep in his sleep. His cute nose, those killer lips and the little stubble growing around his face.

I lightly kiss his lips and remove his arm from my waist. Once I succeed I quietly climb out of bed and into the restroom. Once I do my business, I go back into the room and I put on my undergarments. Last night we had a couple more rounds after the dinner so we were both naked. I look at the bed and Neymar quickly took over the whole bed with his naked body.

I laugh at him and I walk down to the kitchen. I open the fridge and start digging around, trying to find something that I can cook.

“This will do..” I say taking out the carton of eggs.

I set them down and I go look in his pantry. It was full of junk food and protein things. I rummage through the bags of chips and various other snacks until I find the pancake mix.

I get the ingredients out that I needed and I quickly get to cooking. I made the pancakes first and then I made the eggs. I also found some fruit so I cut it up and I set it all in a bowl. Then I turned on the coffee maker while I go upstairs to wake this loser up.

I quietly tiptoe into the room and sit on the bed, near his feet. I start running a finger around his foot making him shift a little.

When that doesn’t work I start tickling him more. That just made him start moving his feet and when I full on tickled them he starts kicking them. I tried to hold his legs down but it didn’t work because he ended up kicking me off the bed. I fall face down on the floor and I hear him quickly get up and gasp.

“I’m so sorry!” he says hovering over me.

I just lay there laughing at my plan which obviously backfired.

“It’s fine babe.” I say taking his hand that he held out to help me up.

I get up and he gives me a sweet kiss.

“Breakfast is ready. At least put on underwear junior.” I say making my way out of the room.

“No I think I’ll stay like this all day.” He says smacking my butt.

I laugh and I hear him room to the restroom.

When I get to the kitchen I pour the scorching hot coffee into two mugs. Then I put the food I had made on the table.

I sit down and scroll through my Instagram feed as I wait for Neymar to get down.

He quickly runs down the stairs…in his underwear.

“Nice outfit babe.” I say before taking a sip of my coffee.

“You said to put on underwear, nothing else.” He responds.

I shake my head and I start serving myself food and so does he.

“Mmmh looks yummy. Thanks baby.”  He says sitting down.

We eat the food and talk a bit.

“You’re doing the dishes.” I say throwing a grape at him.

“I mean I guess.” He says with a shrug.

“So what do you want to do today?” I ask taking a bit of my food.

“Let’s go chill at a park or something. I just want to have a nice and calm day out.”

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now