Chapter Nine

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Thank you all so much.

Hope you enjoy this chapter! J

Gianna’s POV-

  We got home and I immediately ran into my room. I laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

“Stop crying Gianna. You’re better than that. Forget him.” I quietly said to myself but it was no use.

  I was still crying. I was starting to really like this guy and then this happened. I thought he liked me too. I thought about the possibility that the picture was a misunderstanding but it sure didn’t look like it. I just laid down in bed and cried until marc knocked on my door. I thought if I didn’t answer he would leave but nope. He just knocked and knocked. I got up and wiped my tears. I opened the door and their stood Marc with my shopping bags giving me an “im sorry you’re in this shitty situation smile”. I took the bags and put them down. He sat on my bed and told me to sit next to him. I did and he just rubbed my back as I nuzzled into his chest.

“I’m sorry G..” he said

“I could tell that you really like him and this must feel horrible but we don’t even know the story behind it. Maybe it was a bad angle or something.”

“It just sucks so bad you know? I am starting to like him and then this happens and it just ruins it all..” I say.

“Yeah I get it. Well just try and forget about him okay? Beating yourself up over this while he does nothing to fix it means he isn’t worth a single tear.” He says wiping my tears away.

“I’ll go make dinner and you stay here and get yourself together. No more crying alright?”  

“okay.” I say giving him a weak smile.

  He finally leaves my room and I go grab my guitar. I don’t play much but when I do it’s because im upset. I walk out onto my balcony and sit down and start playing..

Neymar’s POV (finally lol)-

  I’m sitting bored at home scrolling through twitter and I see that a lot of news accounts tagged me in a tweet. I open the tweet and the first thing I see is the very stupid title of an article.

“Neymar Jr Out In The Town with Mystery Girl! but What happened to Gianna Bartra?”

  I scroll down and see a picture of me and my friend Camila. The picture was taken last night. After I dropped Gianna off at home, Cesc invited me out. I went with him and we ran into a very wasted Camila. She wasn’t all up on me but she was tripping a lot and in this picture she tripped and I caught her, making it look like I was hugging her and touching her.  I exited out of twitter and put my phone down.

“Now what do I do?” I say to myself.

  I’m almost positive Gianna saw so I have to make sure she doesn’t believe it and fall for what the media says. I jump up from the couch and change into more presentable clothes. I grab my phone and walk out my house and into my car. I have to talk to Gianna…and Marc. I drive for a couple of minutes and get to the Bartra house. As I get out of my car and walk to the door, I faintly hear music. I brush it off and knock on the door, and not to my surprise, Marc opens it..

Marc’s POV-

  I get out of Gigi’s room and go downstairs. I can’t believe this douche actually did this to my little sister, after I trusted him. I get out pots and what not and start making dinner. I sit down and scroll through Instagram while the food cooks and then I hear a knock on the door. I open it and it was public enemy number one, Neymar.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now