Marc is a father! *Not an update*

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*sorry, not an update of the story*

*this was written the day she was born but I needed actual confirmation and I finally have it!*

AHHHHHHH! I'm in tears!!!!

Today, August 18th 2015 at 11:30 am, Melissa gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named.....

Gala Bartra Jiménez

That's right ladies and gents, Marc is officially a father!

Mundo Deportivo states that both mother and daughter and healthy as ever and that Melissa gave birth naturally.

I have mixed emotions and it's just soooo crazy that he's an actual dad! I mean it took him LESS THAN 9/10 months to get with Melissa AND get her pregnant.

But whatever, she is now here and I cannot wait to see pictures of her!


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