Chapter Thirty-Two

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Read the (as always) long note I have in the end! Please and Thank you!

Marc's POV-

"Woah, woah, Señor is everything okay?" I asked, a bit worried.

"T-They're d-dead." He sobbed.

"Woah, wait who's dead?" I asked.

"My grand-daughters, A-Analyssa and M-Marina. T-They're gone." He sobbed once more.

"What? No,No that can't be. How did this happen?" I frowned.

I stood there, completely confused, shocked and sadden by the man's news. Sure, I didn't know those girls all that well but they were my fans so of course I loved them. I looked at the man as he took a couple of deep breaths and finally calmed down.

"They were killed a week ago in a car accident. Ana died instantly, and Marina didn't even make it to the hospital. I'm sorry, it's just that seeing you made me think of them.." He said, choking back the reproaching tears.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. Is there anything I could do?"

"No Marc, you did enough when agreed to meet them.." He said, walking out the elevator.

I followed him out but I knew that there was nothing I could say to make this man smile, so I just headed home.

As I drove, I thought back to last week. I remembered reading an article about a horrible crash that happened near La Sagrada Familia. The article mentioned 3 deceased, a boy and two girls, along with another person that survived. They were all teens, and the one that survived was the driver, who happened to be drunk.

I got home and walked over to the kitchen. I knew that Gianna had bought these candles adorned with pictures of religious saints, so I grabbed two out of the cabinet. Mom always lit some when there was a death in the family so I figured, why not do it myself? Plus, she would say that it was to pay our respects. I lit them both and then put out the match, causing the scent of burnt wood to linger around a bit until I walked out of the room.

I got back to the living-room and threw myself on the couch. The news really got to me. I never liked death and to hear that these three innocent teens were killed by someone's carelessness completely fucked me up. I laid down, thinking about the accident and the girls' death until it hit me. I loved their names, Analyssa and Marina. I would have to talk it out with Emelyn, but what if we were to name our daughter Analyssa Marina, or the other way around? They're very cute names, and they now hold a special place in my heart.

Gianna's POV-

We stood near our seats in "Bird's Nest" Stadium in Beijing. We were here for the Superclasico de las Americas, supporting our lovers and friends. The fans were already loud and hyped up for the game. I looked around, many people had on Brazil jerseys while others had Argentina jerseys, mostly Messi of course. I went back to my phone and noticed that Karisa had uploaded a selfie on Instagram. My turn, I thought.

I stood near the railing that was in front of us and I told Karisa to take my phone and take a picture of me.

"There!" She shouted and handed me my phone.

I looked at the picture and I was pleased. My hair covered the name and half of the number on my Neymar Jr. Jersey, as I looked out onto the empty pitch. I put the caption, ¿Que sucede cuando hay un ser querido dentro de los dos equipos? Vas por el que amas más! 😜💖

Finally, the game started and around 15 minutes in Messi already has a free kick. I saw Karisa cross her fingers, in hopes that he would make it. We both looked onto the pitch and watched him take the steps back and run towards the ball. He kicked it with power but completely missed.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now