Chapter Fourteen

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Gianna's POV-

When he tells me it's his son I reply back very shocked but I try to keep my cool. He has a son. He has a freaking son. We've been dating for a month, almost two and I didn't know he had a child. I sit there not knowing what to do. I don't want to make it seem like a big deal but it kind of is. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a ring. It was my phone. I check the caller and it was Marc. I get up and run to the backyard.

Phone Call with Marc:

Where are you Gianna?

I'm at Neymar's place.

I'm going to pick you up.

Ha no you aren't! Don't worry nothing's happening.

I'm going.

I swear if you come I will not talk to you Marc. Don't you dare come.

I hang up and walk back into the house.

"Is everything okay?" Neymar asks.

"Yeah, totally."

"Okay so wanna finally start this movie?!"

"Um yeah but first can we talk...about Davi?"

"What's there to talk about? He's my son G. Not much too it haha."

"Well yeah but why didn't you tell me about him?"

"Oh was I supposed to? I mean we've only been dating for a month and a half!" He says laughing.

"It's honestly not that funny. It would've been nice to know that I'm dating someone who is a father!" I say getting a bit annoyed.

"Well I'm sorry but it's not a big deal. I'm a dad, get over it. There's plenty of young dad's."

"So you think not mentioning your son to me, your girlfriend, isn't a big deal? That makes sense!"

"You're being overly dramatic just chill out! You don't need to know every little thing about my life Gianna. At least not yet."

You can cut the tension with a knife. I just sit there and look down. He didn't mention having a damn kid. Most people would mention their kids in the first damn date. I just start thinking, Was this all a mistake? Did I fall head over heels for a total douche-kabob? I take a deep breath and get up.

"Look, how about we watch this movie another time? I've gotta head home anyways. Marc is upset." I say gathering my things.

"Are you seriously mad right now?" He says jumping and following me.

"NO....No Neymar. I'm not. I've gotta go." I say obviously lying and walking towards the door.

He grabs my arm and turns me around,

"Don't go." looking me dead in the eyes.

I look at those beautiful eyes and to be honest, I almost stayed. I got back to my senses and I got away from his grip and walked out the door. I got to the sidewalk and sit down and start calling Karisa.

Phone Call with Karisa:

Hey gorgeous!

Hey Risa, can you come pick me up?

Yeah sure! Is everything okay?

Yeah I just got to get home because Marc is having a bitch fit.

Okay I'll be there in a bit.

I hang up and fiddle around with my fingers until i feel someone sit next to me, it was Ney.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now