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Gianna is 20 years old. For a living, she is currently working in a small cafe in Barcelona,Spain. As for hobbies, she likes to hang out with friends, listen to music, shop and occasionally go cheer on her brother, Marc Bartra.

Marc Bartra is 23 years old. For a living,he plays centre back for Fútbol Club Barcelona.

These 2 have no family to speak to and a minimal amount of friends, aka they only socialize with Marc's team and a few outsiders. Gianna being the typical girl, she's of course the more sensitive, worrisome, yet sassy sibling. Marc is the laid back, overprotective, and sometimes douchey footballer sibling.

Although they grew up in Sant Jaume dels Domenys, they both live in Marc's house, about 10 minutes away from the infamous Camp Nou. The Bartra siblings are, or were very in touch with their roots in the small town just an hour away from Barcelona, but things quickly changed. After a falling out with their mother and Marc's twin Eric, the siblings left that small town in Tarragona, Spain and never looked back...

Now let's go back into current times, Gianna is leaving work in a hurry so she can make it to Marc's practice. As she runs, she bumps into someone. She doesn't know who he is but she knows that he's incredible handsome. She apologizes but of course she can't forget him.

And little does she know, that he couldn't forget her either...

Very aware of the basic plot but I like it so frick off if you don't.
{No chapters have been edited, nor have they had big edits made. Edits are pending.}

{Started: Summer of 2014} {Completed: --} {Sequel: --}

My story. My characters. Steal anything and "I will find you, and I will kill you".
Just kidding, but seriously don't steal stuff, that's stupid and annoying.

Please do not use any lines,quotes, etc. without contacting me first! Message me on here and then we can exchange kik's or something to talk. I am aware that people may want to translate this story to their native language and I am all for it but like I said, please contact me first. 😌

Translated in:
-German (titles and covers are the same.)

I do not own anybody(thing) affiliated with FC Barcelona in this story.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now