Chapter Twenty-Two

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Gianna's POV-

Once we got out of the paparazzi bunch, I felt Marc grab my hand and we walked towards his car.

"Just go to my house." He tells Neymar and then we all get into the cars and drive off.

When we're driving home I see a bunch of fast food places. My mini stay in the hospital consisted of pills, water, and disgusting hospital food, so fast food seemed so good right now.

"Marc please take me to McDonalds!" I say pointing to it.


"Please Marc! The food in the hospital was horrible! Pleaseeeeeee!" I begged

"Ugh, Fine..." He replies turning into the parking lot.

Marc parks and he gets out to order the food.

While I wait I notice a bag in the backseat so I reach back and grab it. I open it up and see two bottles of prescribed pills. I read the labels and both were for me. It said I had to take them once or twice a day but I had no idea what they were for so I googled the names.

One was Xanax. I knew that those pills were popular for drug addicts but I didn't know what they cured. The other was Zoloft and I had no clue what it was.

"Alprazolam (Xanax) is used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves to produce a calming effect. " I read that in complete shock.

I had anxiety. I mean sometimes I felt kind and what not but I would've never thought that I'd actually have a problem.

I put that bottle down and move on to the next, Zoloft.

I googled the name and clicked the first link.

"Sertraline (Zoloft) is used to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and social anxiety disorder.This medication may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily living."

I finished reading the medication description and I set my phone down and brought my knees to my chest.

I see myself as a happy person. I've had a few bumps and shit in my life but I never let it bother me, or at least I tried. I always read stories of people having these disorders and diseases but not once did I ever think it would be me.

I just sit there hugging my knees,letting a few teardrops fall in a McDonald's parking lot. Pretty cute right?

Anyways, after 15 minutes Marc finally comes out with bags of food. He puts them in the backseat and he gets into the car.

"I got your food and food for the fat asses at the hou-Gianna what's wrong?" He asks.

"Why didn't you tell me about these pills and my anxiety....and my depression? Were you going to grind my pills into my coffee or what?" I ask.

"G, I was going to tell you but not there, or here. I was going to wait until we got home."

"This sucks so bad...I always hear these stories about people killing themselves because their depression got the best of them and shit like that or stories of people not doing anything fun because their depression won't let them. What if that ends up being me Marc? What if I end up killing myself? Or being a major buzzkill for everything?" I say with tears building up at the brim of my eye.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now