Chapter One

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-Gianna's POV

As I was cleaning the counter at my job, "Juan's Cafe" I saw a huge crowd approaching. I was a bit shocked because nobody famous has ever stopped by around here. As the crowd finally comes to the door I see a 5'11 man walking away from the dead center of it all. I shake my head as I realize who it is, my brother, Marc Bartra. Marc was a player for FC Barcelona so this swarm of people, aka paparazzi isn't new. He walks in and my coworkers are shocked, even if this has happened before. Marc comes to the counter and I have to greet him like any other customer.

"Hello, what can I get for you sir?" I ask trying not to laugh.
"Well mam I would like a Carmel Frap with extra Carmel please." Marc replies with a chuckle in the end.

I get his order ready and take it to his table. I decide to take my break so I sit down and join him.

"What's up ugly?!" I ask.
"Just coming by to get some coffee. Geez can't a guy come and visit his little sister at her job once in a while" he says as he sips his drink.
"Well sure I guess" I say with a shrug.
"Sooo Gigi, wanna come to practice today and then get some dinner?" Marc says.
"I guess hanging out with you is better than sitting at home" I say with a little sass.

He kicks me under the table and I punch him on the arm. He then gets up with his drink and shouts as he walks to the door.

"See you at home. Practice is at 6 so you're gonna have to rush home!!" He shouts while putting his hand over his head and doing a peace sign.

I straighten out the table we were sitting at and tend to more customers. It was now 5:25 and my shift was over. I put my apron on the hanger and say bye to my best friend and coworker,Karisa.

"Bye Risa! See you tomorrow!" I say.

"Alright see ya!" she says.

As I leave the coffee shop, I speed walk towards my car. I had a white Audi R8 which Marc had bought me for my birthday. As I was walking on the side walk looking through my purse I felt myself bump into something, or should I say someone. I immediately look up and notice a guy.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to I wasn't look-" I say but then get cut off .

"It's fine. Don't even worry" this unknown but very attractive guy starts telling me with a smirk on his face.

He was taller than me and he had brown skin and beautiful eyes. We looked into each other's eyes then quickly realized that my stuff was on the ground. He helped me pick it up and he shook my hand. I quickly shake it and continue going because Marc's going to be so salty if I don't hurry. I get to my car and turn to see if he had followed me. He didn't but I kinda wish he did. I mean I should have gotten his name at least.

Neymar's POV-

As im walking into this little coffee place praying that the media doesn't spot me I get a text message from Cesc.

It read," Practice at 6. Don't be late."

I unlocked my phone and opened the twitter app. I was scrolling through my timeline completely oblivious to my surroundings. I didn't bother to look up but when I finally did I bumped into someone. Immediately the person starts apologizing but I just say that it's okay. Then I realize that it was a girl. She had nice eyes and a beautiful smile. It looked like she was coming from work because she had what looked like a uniform on. I was mesmerized by her and we kinda looked at each other for a bit until we looked down at her stuff on the ground. I helped her pick it up and once we finished I shook her hand. I was planning to ask her for her name, maybe number or even to come drink coffee with me but she barley finished shaking my hand when she was already walking passed me. I looked back at her but she didn't. She was a beautiful girl.

I walked into the coffee shop and ordered a drink. I sat down by the window and began wondering about the girl.

"Was she going to meet her boyfriend?"

"What was her name?"

And all that junk until I was interrupted by a lady. She handed me my drink and smiled. I was surprised that she didn't ask for a picture or autograph because lets face it, I'm THE Neymar Jr. I'm pretty great.

Anyways, as I kept thinking about the girl I noticed that all the workers had the same uniform as the mystery girl. "She must work here" I thought to myself as I sipped my coffee. I finished and walked out to be greeted by some paparazzi. I made my way to my car, then headed to my apartment to get my practice uniform. Once I got everything I headed to my home away from home, Camp Nou.



I know it's boring but it will get better in the other chapters I swear..

Comment/Vote and all that good shizz.. 💕

Hey guys ignore the picture that's on here! idk why it's even on here lol

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now