Chapter Twenty-One

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Marc's POV-

"Hi.." She said weakly and adjusted herself and sat up.

"What happened? All I remember is having the horrible feeling. I couldn't breath and then someone took me from your arms."

"You had like a panic attack, but worse and a whole bunch of things happened but let's not talk about it right now.." I said hugging her.

"So why are you guys all here?" She laughs.

"Can we not visit you?! Fine we'll leave!" Sergi says jokingly.

"No! Please stay!!" She "begs".

She looks around and then one by one the guys come and give her a hug. I guess she didn't notice Neymar next to her so when she saw him she reached her arms out and they hugged and he sweetly kissed her head.

Gianna's POV-

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed. The guys were all surrounding me, looking at me attentively as if it was the first time they've seen me in ages. I asked what happened but Marc didn't want to tell me the whole story, looks like I'm going to bother him with that later on. The guys all hugged me and finally I seen my amazing boyfriend. He was next to me and I didn't even notice! He gave me a hug and a kiss which I loved.

The guys all sat back down while Marc and Neymar took their seats next to me. Neymar held my hand tightly and I smiled at him.

It got quite for a bit until I asked for the time.

"It's almost 1 am.." Said Sergi.

"Then what are you guys doing here? Get home. I'll be fine, including you and marc" I say looking at Ney.

"Maybe she's right.." says Dani, as he yawns.

"Fine. But well be here in the morning. Call us if anything happens okay?" Says Mascherano.

"I will. Now get going!" I say.

They a hug me and say bye, leaving only Marc, Neymar and I.

"I'll be okay. Please go home Marc!" I say, hitting his arm.

"Okay whatever. See you early in the morning." He says, getting up and giving me a long hug.

Then we're interrupted by his phone ringing. He checked and it was Cesc.

Phone Call with Cesc:

Bartra, just letting you know that there's a shitload of paparazzi in the front of the hospital..

Alright, Thanks man.

You're welcome, bye.

"What happened?" I asked

"Cesc said there was a lot of paps outside.."

"Ugh why can't they leave us alone!" I yell in frustration.

"Sorry Gigi. Just forget it and calm down...I'm leaving alright? You probably should too Neymar."

Neymar just nods but stays seated.

"Love you!" Says Marc

"Love you more." I respond.



I smile and watch him walk out.  Once he leaves Neymar gets on the bed and sits next to me. I scoot over and signal him to lay down. He obliged and he lays down, carefully wrapping his arms around me. I smile and snuggle up to him, enjoying every second of it. I breathe in and smell his amazing cologne. I remember when I ran into him outside of the shop, I inhaled his amazing scent and I had been in love with it ever since.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now