Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Gianna's POV-

I walk into the kitchen feeling completely numb.

Marc's a drunk mess and he just told me he's going to be a dad. MY brother, my other half is going to be a dad.

I sit on the bar stool and quietly sip my coffee.

I think about how much is going to change and all the new responsibilities Marc is going to have. It pains me to say this but he isn't ready for a kid. He's slightly immature and he can't take care of anything.

When we were kids, he had about 10 pet fish and they all died within a month. If he can't care for fish, what makes anyone think he can take care of a damn kid.

I feel a few tears fall down my cheek. Then I hear someone walk into the kitchen.

"You okay?" Neymar asks giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I'll survive." I slightly chuckle.

"Did you know already?" I ask.

"He told me on the way over here." He confesses.

"He's not ready."

"I know he isn't. He told me himself. He's really scared G." Neymar says.

"Well he did it so now he needs to deal with it." I say slightly annoyed.

"Give him a break Gianna." Neymar says.

I stay quiet and I wash my cup. When I finish I walk passed Neymar and to the living room.

I check in Marc and he's snoring loudly.

I put a blanket over him and I put a water bottle with two advils on the coffee table for the morning.

"Neymar, let's go to bed." I quietly shout from the living room.

He appears through the corridor and I take his hands and walk up stairs.

Since I was already in Neymar's clothes I just plopped on the bed and under the covers. Neymar took off his clothes and just stayed in his boxers.

He laid down and I put my head on his chest while he traced small circles on my back.

We quietly laid there. Nobody said anything and soon we fell asleep.

Marc's POV-

I wake up and I immediately feel my pounding headache.

I hold my throbbing head and just lay there trying to remember last night.

I was in the bar drinking and then I remember seeing Neymar and Gianna. Then I remember....telling Gianna about my unborn kid.

"Shit." I say.

I slowly get up and I look at the table. There was pills,water and a note.

"For your hangover....soon to be father."

I crumple up the paper and quickly take the pills.

I get up and go up the stairs. I check Gianna's room and she's asleep with Neymar.

I go back down the stairs and fight the urge to just go back to sleep.

I grab a bunch of breakfast foot and I start cooking for Gianna, hoping she'll be less mad when she gets up.

When I'm finishing up the bacon, Gianna and Neymar come downstairs holding hands.

"Goodmorning." I say.

"Morning man." Neymar replies

"Morning." Gianna says coldly.

When I finish the bacon, I set everything on the table and we all eat quietly.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now