Chapter Thirteen

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Got some things to say to you guys after this chapter so pls read until the end!

Also, Rest in Peace to an amazing actor and comedian, Mr. Robin Williams. He was so busy making us laugh the he forgot about his own happiness. Like he said it himself, "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

If you guys ever need to talk about anything please feel free to message me on here or tumblr.

If you're struggling with things right now I want you to know that there is always hope.

Stay strong.

Other than that, Enjoy this chapter!

Neymar's POV-

After I got into the locker room I received the pictures of Gianna and I. I posted one of them on Instagram and tagged her in it. I didn't care about the media and all that because I really like her. I locked my phone and walked to the showers and get cleaned up. When I finished I walked out of the locker rooms and saw Gianna just standing there.

"I'm baaaaack." I say kissing her.

"I can see that haha. So what do you wanna do babe?"

"Let's go out to eat?! I'm starving!" I reply holding my stomach.

"Alright then, let's go!"

We start walking and I just grab her hand. We're getting closer to the exit and I see a couple of flashing lights. It's obviously the paparazzi. When we walk out they start to mob us. I walk in front and lead Gianna to my car. We get in and I drive off quickly trying to lose the paparazzi. While I'm driving I take Gianna's hand and hold it. I kiss it and apologize for the annoying media. I drive around for a few minutes and we get to a restaurant called, "LVN". (totally fake lmao)

Gianna's POV-

When we got to this restaurant we rushed inside so the media couldn't get to us. Right when we walked in I saw a waitress look so excited to see Neymar. I smiled seeing that she was a fan...until I saw her fix her hair and push up her breasts. I ignored her and we sat down and looked at the menu. When we were done I looked up to see the skanky waitress. She was looking at Neymar and watching his every move. She had her back almost completely turned to me and she didn't even acknowledge me being there, so I spoke up.

"I'm guessing you're here to take our order so I'd like a Chicken Alfredo pasta and you babe? " I say giving her a very fake smile.

"I'll have a Steak." He says.

She gives me a 'wtf?' look and I watch her walk away and Neymar starts laughing.

"What's so funny you freak?" I ask him.

"Your jealousy!" he says laughing.

"She totally wants you! Can I request a different waitress or? I don't appreciate these girls all over MY boyfriend." I say taking a sip of my drink.

"You are so cute haha. Just leave her alone. I don't want anyone else but you. I promise." He says taking my hand.

I smile and squeeze his hand.

"Did you have fun at the game?" he asked

"oh my god, of course. Nothing better than watch my brother and my boo kicking ass." I say winking at him.

"Haha well I know one thing that would have made it waaaay better."

"Well what would that be?"

"Seeing you wearing a Neymar Jr jersey." He says with a smirk.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now