Chapter Sixteen

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Neymar's POV-

When Davi just gave Gianna a weird look I knew it was only because he didn't look familiar. Hopefully he gets used to having her around and he starts liking her. When Bruna and I broke up he didn't really think much of it because she never tried being with him so he kind of hated her. Anyways, I give G a reassuring smile and I walk with Davi to the couch and pick up his little suitcase and backpack. Gianna grabs them from my hand, helping me out and I lead her to the car. I buckle in Davi and then I turn my attention to Gianna who was standing behind me waiting to put the things in the car.

"Thanks for coming. I appreciate it." I say taking the things from her.

"Anytime. Davi is such a cutie and I hope he likes me." She replies.

I give her a quick peck and make my way to the driver's seat. I get in and see that Gianna actually got in the back, with Davi.

"What are you doing?" I ask smiling at her.

"Trying to bond with Davi." She says laughing.

I just nod and turn the car on and drive out of Caro's driveway. As I'm driving I realized that Davi wasn't shy anymore and he was finally talking to G. They are laughing and they're talking about his favorite things and what not.

"What are you guys laughing about?" I ask while looking at them through the rear view mirror.

"Giawna is telling me a story of her and her brother. Papai,I want a brother!!" Davi says putting his little hands together.

"No brother yet Davi. Maybe later on.." I say smirking at Gianna, making her awkwardly turn her head....Oops.

Gianna's POV-

After Neymar gives me his little smirk after saying that I just turn my head. When I feel uncomfortable with something, I'm not good at hiding it. So I made it completely obvious that his comment made me feel so awkward. // Neymar and I have been dating for a while and all but honestly nobody knows how long and if we will even last. I think we will though because to me, he's perfect. I even think I love him, but I'm for sure not letting him know. At least not yet. And even if I do love him, I'm still not ready for the sex ya know?

"Anyways, Davi did you know that Gianna's brother plays with me in Barca?" Neymar speaks up, interrupting my thoughts.

"WEALLY?!! Who is he? Is your brother Messi?" Davi says, looking up at me so enthusiastically.

"Yup. He's Marc Bartra, Number fifteen." I reply proudly.

"Oh I know him!! He cool!"

I kiss Davi's cheek and sit back. A few minutes later, we arrive at Ney's house. I unbuckle Davi and he opens the door and runs out to Neymar, who is opening up the front door for him. I grab his things and my bag and walk towards the front door. I set everything down and Davi starts pulling me up the stairs.

"Venha jogar comigo!" he repeatedly shouts at me and since I am fluent in Spanish, (Portuguese has words that are basically in Spanish) I understood him...kind of.

Davi opens the door to this room and it's his room. It's a dark green color and has a Ninja Turtles theme. I stand there as Davi takes out this box of Legos. He dumps it on the floor and I sit down and we start playing. I actually get into this and I start building random things with the Legos.

As we continue playing I hear a *click* so I turn and see Neymar leaning against the door frame, taking pictures of us.

"Davi Lucca, vá vestir seu pijama." He says and Davi jumps up and runs out of the room.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now