Chapter Two

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-Gianna's POV

The whole ride home I could stop thinking about the guy I bumped into. He was very attractive but I also felt like I have seen him before. Well whatever that happens a lot right? People think they know someone but they don't? Okay anyways, I got home and found marc watching tv in the living room.

"Hey Hi Hello! We have no time to talk. Gotta get to practice 10 min before and we don't have much time to get there." He shouts.

"Damn well at least let me change marc!." I reply a bit annoyed.

*on the way to camp nou*

"So why do you have to go earlier? I thought it was at 6?" I asked.

"Coach wants to talk to us about some things. No big deal he just wants us there earlier." He says.

"Oh well guess what!" I say enthusiastically

"What happened?!"

"I bumped into this super cute guy after work! He was so hot Marc you should have seen."

"Are you serious Gianna? God you're so boy crazy. But don't get any ideas. Anyone that wants to date you has to come to me first and you know that." Marc says in a serious tone.

"First of all I don't even know the guy so I won't be dating him anytime soon and second of all, we'll see about that!" I say as I get out of the car and run towards the stadium.

*At Camp Nou*

I sat on the bench as coach talked to the guys on the field. I didn't bring my guitar or my notebooks so I was sitting there bored. I had my phone so I scrolled through tumblr. Couple minutes later and coach finished the speech and the guys were able to chill for 5 minutes. Marc called me over and I went to him. He was with Piqué, Iniesta, Cesc and Messi. I hugged them all and we just joked around for a while. We started kicking the ball around and I was about to kick it when I saw a familiar face on the other side of the field. I kicked the ball and told the guys to come here.

"Hey guys who's that?" *points to familiar person*

"That's Neymar Jr. We've known him for a while but he transferred to barça only 2 months ago." said Iniesta

I looked at him for what I thought was a little bit and started to smile a bit.

"Damn Gigi looks like you're raping him with your eyes." Piqué said and everyone started laughing.

Neymar started to walk over here and I turned to talk with Cesc. Finally he clears his throat and starts to give everyone a handshake. As he gets to me we make eye contact and just smile like freaks. Suddenly all we hear is Marc clear his throat and neymar continues giving the others handshakes. I look at marc and he gives me a pissed off look. He never mentioned anything about dating his teammates because none are my type but things may have changed now lol. Coach came back and told boys that practice was cancelled because something came up.

"Well this was a waste of time and gas." Says Xavi

We all agreed and the guys made their way to the locker rooms. I headed towards the restroom and quietly started humming. As I walk down the long hallway I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Neymar.

"So is this the place you were in a hurry to get to?" He asks and laughs

"It actually was."

"Well I would ask why but it looks like you're basically best friends with all the guys haha. Anyways, I'm neymar."

"I'm Gianna Alyssa. Or Gigi."

"Well Gianna, I mean Gigi I hope this isn't to straight up but I just want to tell you that you are very beautiful." Neymar says with a smile.

"Aw thank aren't pretty bad yourself." I say and wink.

I honestly can't believe I said that. My flirting skills on a scale of 1/10 are -10.

"Well thank you. So I have to go but can I have your number? I'd love to get to know a beautiful girl like you." Neymar says

"Um yeah!"

"Okay I'll text you later. Bye beautiful!!" He says as he kisses my hand and runs away.

I lean against the wall and just smile to myself. This guy was something else. He was so genuinely sweet and kind. As I was thinking about neymar and what not,my thoughts are interrupted by marc.

"Dude what are you doing? I've been looking everywhere for you! Let's go, our food is waiting" he says

"Oh I just came to the ladies room." I say and walk towards him.

He puts his hand over my shoulder and we walk to the car. As we're walking out of the stadium we see neymar pull of in his car. He waves to us and gives me a cheeky smirk. I wave back and smile like an idiot and marc gives me a disapproving look.

Chapter 2 = done! ✔️

Comment/Vote!! 💕💕

*Really sorry that the chapters are short! (They seem short to me lol) but I'm using my iPad and I'm not comfortable with writing a lot on it.

*Promise more Marc/Neymar POV's will come!!

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now