*Chapter 5*

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Yoongi's P.O.V

Twenty minutes had passed and Jungkook still hadn't come back. Running out of patience I go in the school and start looking for him going straight to the lockers but to my suprise, I didn't find him. However, I did start hearing two people talking.

"Get the fuck off me you sick bastard AH!"

"Shut the fuck up, will you?" 

What the hell? I thought as walked towards where the sounds were coming from. Turning around the corner I see Jungkook, caging some brown-haired boy between his arms. The said boy looked at me and I recognize Jimin's friend, he had teary eyes and a bruise on his left cheek. I could see Jungkook smirking and talking non stop, tormenting the poor boy as he weakly tried to push him off. 

I growled and made my way towards Jungkook, peeling him off Taehyung.

"What the fuck ,Jungkook?"

 He turned to look at me and I saw him blush and gulp nervously as I shook my head in disgust and anger.

"Wait, Yoongi!"

"Shut the fuck up, Kook. And you, get the fuck out of here" 

The brunette nodded, thanking me and shoving Jungkook to the side before leaving running. The ravenette started to run after him but I grabbed his arm and threw him against the locker.

"You're such a jerk. Why are you harrassing that poor boy?"

"Oh please, we were just talking"

"Really? And those tears?"

"Tears of joy from getting Jeon Jungkook's attentio-" 

"Stop with the bullshit!" I yank him forward and back into the locker.

"Calm down, who the fuck cares" Jungkook readjusted his posture, pushing my hands off him.

"I care, you dumb bitch. What if it hadn't been me walking in on you, you could get expelled" He looked down as I sighed. "We're going back to your place, come on" I said and started walking and heard him scoffed but walk behind me nonetheless. I was not done with this fuckboy.

"Fucking idiot" I whisper under my breath.


Locking the door to his room, I turn around and face Jungkook who was looking anywhere except at me.

"Kook" I call out, but he still won't look at me. "Jungkook!"

"What" he whispers. 

With his head hanging down he looks like a grounded puppy and I must admit I felt bad for the way I treated him earlier. I sigh and grab his arm, sitting us down on the bed.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, Kook, but I'm worried about you"


"Yeah, first because you could get caught and expelled and I need you here with me, I couldn't survive school without you" I look at him and raise his chin, making sure he's looking at me.

"But most of all I'm worried about your attitude"

"My atti-"

"Don't interrupt me" I said in a stern voice. "I always thought you're fuckboy phase was just that, a phase, but you're not stopping." 

Jungkook looked at me puzzled.

 "What I'm trying to say is that I'm worried that you've never liked anyone, you just fuck random girls. You have no respect, not for anyone, and you love no one and I don't want you to end up alone, Jungkook"

"I never knew you thought about those kind of things, hyung."

"Of course I do, Kook. You have never loved anyone-"

"You know I love you, hyung" he jokes.

"I mean in a romantic kind of way, Kook" I hadn't finished my sentence when he answered with a whisper I couldn't hear.

"What was that?"

"Um well truth is, there is someone. I have loved this person for so long but I'm afraid to tell them because I know they won't return my feelings, and I can't take a rejection from him. It would hurt too much, just the thought of loosing this person makes me dizzy and empty, I could never live without him, I'm sure of that" 

"Him?" I ask and heard him chuckle

"Yeah, him. I mean girls are fun and all but they're just good for sex, other then that they talk too much" 

I facepalmed, I had no hope for this kid.

"Jungkook, you really need to work on your respect towards others." I chuckle.

"Yeah, I know" he laughed and I couldn't help but join in.

"Well, I don't know who this boy is, but if you show him who you are, who you truly are, not as a fuckboy, how could he not love you"?

"Thank you, hyung" 

I smile my gummy smile as I wrapped my arms around my best friend, feeling him snuggle closer.

"I love you, Kook"

"Me too, Yoongi"

I thought back on his words, this was the kind of love I longued for. Would I ever find it? I doubted it, but someone once told me that faith is the last thing we loose and I still lived by those words. Besides,  if Jungkook could feel this way, so could I.

I still asked myself why it's so hard to find someone you can be yourself with? Someone who makes you feel good without efforts. I sighed and rest my head on his shoulder, I would find him some day, I had to believe at least that. 

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