*Chapter 20*

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Third P.O.V

A week had passed since the graduation and all the students had two weeks break. Lately Jimin had been very down, Hoseok was avoiding him and Taehyung still seemed mad at him. So most of his days were spent laying down on his bed or watching movies on his phone while secretly hoping his boyfriend would call him and come over. He had spent some time with Yoongi but even he seemed to be busy a lot of the times.

The doorbell rang and Jimin raced to the door thinking it was finally Hoseok but he was shocked when he saw who was standing on his door step.


"Hey, Jimin"

"W-what are you doing here?"

"I, um I've noticed you've been on your own a lot lately and Jin called me saying you barely left the house"

"How would he know" Jimin scoffed in a low voice but Taehyung heard him.

"Why do you say that?"

"He's practically never home, he's always out with his boyfriend"

"Boyfriend? Jin has a boyfriend?"

"Apparently, don't ask me who it is because I don't know"

"Can I come in?"

"Mmm sure" Jimin stepped aside to let the brunette come inside.

"Listen, Jimin I wanted to apologize for what I told you the day you came to talk"

"It's okay, Taehyung, really. You were right, I completely neglected you and I was wrong. I miss you and not only because me and Hoseok haven't been talking, because even when we were okay I missed my best friend"

"We were stupid, let's just forget about it, okay?"

"Yes, please" 

Taehyung immediately brought Jimin into his arms.

The two friends spent hours catching up, Jimin telling him all about his relationship with Hoseok, from the perfect beginning to what seemed to be the tragic end and Taehyung told him about his new friendship with Yoongi and the rest of the BTS crew and more specifically about Jungkook.

"And I know you kind of hate him, so did I actually, but now that I've gotten to know him, he's just so different. And at first he would keep on beating people and getting into fights but lately he's stopped all the fuck boy and bad boy attitude, it's just gone. And I'm so happy because he's such a nice person and he's drop dead gorgeous, how did I not see it before?" 

Jimin giggled.

"I don't know, Tae. You were too busy telling him to go fuck himself maybe" Taehyung glared at his hyung and started talking again.

"Anyway, we've really gotten closer lately and um, how can I say this. He kind of asked to take me out yesterday...?"

"He WHAT?! Are you serious??" Taehyung laughed at his hyung's reaction before nodding his head.

"Yes!" The two boys squealed before jumping in each other's arms.

"Aww my TaeTae going on his first date with none other then Greek god Jeon Jungkook"

"Stop it" Taehyung playfully hit him. "I need your help choosing an outfit"

"Really? Taehyung you have more fashion sense then I do, when I went to dinner with Yoongi I wore a black shirt, black jacket and black pants, so unoriginal-" Jimin widened his eyes when he realized he'd spilled too much.

"You went to dinner with Yoongi?"

"Maybe" Jimin looked at his feet afraid of his friend's reaction.

"Does Hoseok know?"

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