*Chapter 8*

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The orange hair boy woke up feeling pain on his left side and internally cursed Namjoon, but nonetheless got dressed and headed downstairs to eat the breakfast his brother had made.

"Morning, Jimin"

"Morning, hyung" Jimin looked at the freshly made pancakes before digging in.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, I can easily cover the bruises with make up, my ribs however don't feel so good"

"My poor baby, I'm so sorry" The ravenette hugged Jimin from the side.

"Don't worry Jin, it's not your fault" 

Jin shut his eyes as he tightened the hug. Truth is, Jin felt extremely guilty, knowing it was his fault his brother had taken a beating and although Jimin didn't understand why his hyung seemed so shaken up, he stilled hugged back before grabbing his school bag.

 Both boys made their way to school before splitting up for their different classes.

Jimin went to look for Taehyung and surprisingly found him talking to Yoongi.

"What?" Intrigued about the sight before him, Jimin made his way over to his best friend.


"Chim! Hey" 

Jimin shyly looked at Yoongi.

"H-hi, Yoongi"

"Hey" The mint haired boy shut his locker before leaving to meet his friends, startling both boys. Taehyung merely shrugged but Jimin was utterly confused.

"Tae, what were you doing with Yoongi??"

"Oh, we were just talking"

"Talking? Since when do you talk to Yoongi?"

"Since yesterday" 

"What happened yesterday?" Jimin raised an eye brow not understanding what was happening.

"Yoongi and I walked home together so like I got to know him and he's quite nice actually, when he opens up"

"He opened up to...you??!"

"A bit, I guess. Why so many questions?" Taehyung chuckled.

"You don't find it weird that the ice cold Yoongi, who doesn't even open up to his friends, opens up to you?"

"Well maybe he knows I won't judge him or mock him like the rest of his idiotic friends"

"They're not all like that. Hoseok doesn't judge" Jimin defended Hoseok and heard his friend chuckle.

"So, how's it been going between you two??"

"He's so great, we were supposed to see each other yesterday but then the incident happened and we couldn't. Oh my god he must be so mad at me, I haven't had time to tell him what happened!"

"Actually, I was curious about this, are you going to tell him what happened??"

"No, I don't think so. Namjoon's his friend after all"

"But he hurt you, Jimin" Taehyung scolded, he held absolutely no regard for neither Hoseok or his friendship with Namjoon. 

"I know. I'll see what I'll do"

The two boys entered the classroom. Sitting together the lesson went by quickl and the day went by until quickly as well until the last lesson, which unfortunately the two boys shared with  some of the BTS group. They looked at each other and threw their head back, this would definitely be a long, long class. 

Jimin's P.O.V

I sat down at my desk waiting for Taehyung to come back, he was currently talking with another student when I heard someone pull up his chair and sit next to me.

"Hey, there" I turn around and freeze. There was Hoseok, with his sunshine smile and sparkling eyes.


"So what happened to you? I waited for two hours but you never showed up"

"I'm so sorry, Hoseok! I left early because a f-friend called me for help and then I fell down the stairs at his apartment and had to go to the hospital so  I couldn't make it. I'm so sorry for not telling you!"

"Relax Jimin, I don't mind as long as you're okay"

"Aw you're so sweet" I blushed as soon as I realized what I had just said.

"You're adorable. So how about we try again today?"

"Sure" I smile d as he got up, walking back to his desk and Taehyung arrived.

"So, was he pissed?" I shook my head still smiling.

"Not at all, I told you, he's such a sweetheart" I saw Taehyung rolling his eyes, but I ignored it.

"Not even one bit? I mean he is friends with Namjoon after all"

"Oh I didn't tell him that..." 

"Figures" I slap his head and look out the window, should I have told him? No,  it would only have caused problems and I definitely didn't need more of those. I kept looking out the window until the  teacher walked in and the English class started.

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