*Chapter 21*

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Jimin was walking home after a tiring few days, he had had tons of homework to do for school, as well. He had been secretely practicing basket ball as well, he had forgotten just how much he loved playing the sport. He had spent the night at Taehyung's house and had left a few minutes ago when Jungkook arrived to see the younger. Approaching his front door the orange haired boy saw a figure standing at his front door.

"Hoseok?" The said male turned around, weakly smiling at the sight of his boyfriend.

"Hey, Jiminie"  Happy at to hear the nickname and seeing his boyfriend Jimin ran up to hug him, feeling the other hug him even tighter.

"Is everything good? You don't look okay" Jimin asked, his finger tracing his boyfriend's cheeks.

"We need to talk"

"Oh, well come in" Jimin started unlocking the door but Hoseok pulled his hand away, keeping it in his.

"I'd rather stay outside"

"Are you sure? It's getting cold"

"It won't be long" Letting go of Jimin's hand, Hoseok ran his hand through his hair, taking a few steps back.

"Jimin, there's something I haven't told you and I know it's going to hurt you. I hope you won't hate me for not telling you until now"The teenager's eyes were filled with worry and apprehension.

"Hoseok, you're scaring me"

The brunette walked straight to Jimin, cupping his face he joined their lips in a desperate kiss. Jimin's hand went up to Hoseok's collar trying to hold on to him feeling like the brunette was slipping away from him. But the two broke the kiss, Hoseok's forehead meeting Jimin's.

"Jimin, I'm leaving Korea" 

A knife in the heart, that's what it felt like.

"Y-you- What?" Jimin didn't even know what to ask.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I wanted to, but I knew it would be the end of us, so I waited to the last minute to tell you. I'm sorry, Jiminie, please forgive me"  Hoseok's eyes were wet and couldn't look at Jimin.

"When are you leaving??"

"Tonight" A sob escaped Jimin's shaking lips. It was now, the end of his relation and he barely had a few minutes to say goodbye to his boyfriend.

"No, no no no. Why didn't you tell me sooner, I need more time to say goodbye to you, Hoseok. I-I love you..." More tears ran down the younger's cheeks. 

"I love you too Jimin" Pulling his boyfriend head into his chest, Hoseok's fingers raked through his orange hair.

The couple stayed like this some time before slowly pulling away when both had calmed down.The brunette looked at the younger, smiling lightly with teary eyes.

"Thank you for loving me, Jimin"

"Hoseok there's nothing to thank" Jimin choked out.

"There's one thing I want to ask you before I leave" The younger only nodded.

"Please love Yoongi even more then you loved me"

Out of all the words Jimin expected to hear from the brunette, those never crossed his mind.  

"He deserves it more than anybody I know"

"I don't understand why you're asking me that. I don't love him"  

Again, a small smile could be seen on the other's face.

"You do, maybe you don't see it now, but I've seen the way you look at each other and don't worry I know he loves you too. Yoongi always was terrible at hiding it, from the very first day at practice when he saw you play, to his dumb attempt at showing you with his letter all the way to taking you out on a date knowing I was leaving" 

Hoseok chuckled at the same time as another sob emitted from Jimin.

"It was him? The letter?" Hoseok nodded still smiling. "And you've always known??About all of this?"

"I have. I got you and not him but then I knew I was leaving, and I didn't see why I shouldn't let you find a new friend in him when I couldn't be there for you." Hoseok exhaled, a puff of cold air escaping his lips. " I couldn't stand being with you knowing I was leaving so I acted so distant and I'm truly sorry for that. But I thought that if he could replace me, maybe you're suffering could be reduced."

"No one will ever replace you, Hoseok" Jimin hugged his boyfriend, nuzzling in the crook of his neck for the last time. "I'm going to miss you, hyung"

"Goodbye, Jimin" Hoseok removed himself from the other's embrace and took a step back.


That night, Jimin cried himself to sleep, his fingers urging to call Hoseok and his heart aching to hold him in his arms.  With everything the elder had shared about Yoongi, his heart was torn even more than before. He cried his eyes out between his boyfriend leaving him out of the blue and the pain of knowing how Yoongi had felt for all these months. 

How could the boy be so strong, it was astounding to Jimin but in the end he was right, he would never understand how the elder worked.  So many feelings and emotions at once were so hard on the younger, he didn't how to feel or what to do, there were too many things happening at once and he felt like he didn't have the time to properly deal with each one as they deserved,  forcing him to get through them all at once. 

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