Chapter 1

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(Disclaimer: If any of this has happened to whoever is reading this I am very sorry. But remember,  this is a story and isn't real, But I am sorry if this brings up bad memories.)

We see a 4-year-old you, running around in an unknown location with dirtied clothes and no shoes. This is because you've just been disowned by your parents.

-flashback 1 day.-

Y/n: "W-What... Why?!" You questioned in disbelief.

Mom: "It's because of how unsettling you are! Those dark eyes, That dark, evil aura you give off, It's not normal!" Your mom shouted at you, in anger, and fear.

Dad: "Just leave already brat! It's bad enough that your quirkless, But your appearance is just the icing on the cake!" Your Dad said while smacking you upside the head.

After being hit, you starting crying and ran out of the house, completely ignoring the pain you were getting from running on the cold hard ground without any protection on your feet.

-flashback over.-

After several hours of running, you were completely tired, you couldn't even move. So then you lay down to rest.

Then you notice that you were laying on a tree, This surprises you as you quickly Bolt up and take a look at your surroundings, You were in a forest. You were so emotionally distressed you didn't even notice the change in the surrounding area.

Y/n: "Crap! What do I do now?!" You said out loud to no one, Panicking because you were in a completely unknown Area.

You then walk around the forest for a while, this time making sure you keep an eye on your surroundings. After a couple of minutes of walking, you come across an abandoned house.

Y/n: "I guess I can live here for a while, It may not be the greatest but it's better than nothing

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Y/n: "I guess I can live here for a while, It may not be the greatest but it's better than nothing." You said to yourself.

You then walk inside the house to notice that the interior wasn't all that damaged, It must've not been abandoned for long because the house barely looks damaged.

Y/n: "This is great! Cleaning this will be easy." You say to yourself excitedly.

After several hours of cleaning and organizing the house, It looked good as new, like it was never abandoned in the first place.

Your stomach then rumbles, signifying that you were hungry, there was obviously no food in the house so you had no choice but to go hunting. You were 4 years old and couldn't fight to save your country but what other choice did you have?

You then walk around your house, looking for a weapon. Because you are sure as hell aren't gonna fight an animal with your tiny child hands.

After a few minutes of searching, you find a rusty knife, It wasn't the greatest choice but it was better than nothing, then you grab the knife, But the moment you grab the knife it glows a weird black color and gets restored to pristine condition.

Darken the World (Malereader x BNHA) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now