Chapter 15

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We cut to Nezu talking with the government about wanting to call the other nations.

Nezu: "Guys, I know you may not trust me nor UA very much, But we dont stand a chance against these two on our own, They are an actual threat to the world, even more than All for One was. We NEED to call in backup if we want to do this." Nezu says, getting straight to the point.

(GW = Government worker)

GW1: "Nezu, As intelligent as you are, I dont think that the others will risk their forces to deal with our problem." GW1 said bluntly.

At this point, Nezu had had enough of this guy's shit. They have been going back and forth for several hours, And he just wanted to leave.

Nezu: "What do you suggest then? Wait to die? They WANT to destroy the world, they WANT to wipe out humanity, and you wanna sit here on your immaculate government throne and Let that happen?!?! You know what? Im done with this. Humanity has a good run but it's over. Im out of here, you can all die for all I care." Nezu said angrily because all he wants to do is defeat you and chara and let this whole situation be lost to history, but NO. No one wants to listen to him, If no one wants to listen to him then he is not gonna bend over backward just to make them.

GW, for a split second, realizing that Nezu was right and that he was a dumbass, calls Nezu back.

GW1: "WAIT!... We'll see what we can do." GW said to Nezu.

Nezu however, doesn't even glance at him. He just stops moving for a second before he starts to leave again.

GW1: "Geez... Guess I have to contact the Higher Ups about this." GW said while sighing in frustration.

-Timeskip 3 weeks.-

As much as they didn't want to admit it, No one in Japan stood a chance against you and Chara. So they had no other choice but to Call other nations for help, So far, they have only gotten America to assist them. Which wasn't much but it was better than nothing.

At present, We see Melissa and Hatsume working on new limbs after taking a look at class 1-A, having a conversation.

Melissa: "These people are horrible, How could they live with themselves after beating a bunch of kids to near death!" Melissa said with tears in her eyes, referring to the sheer damage that you dealt to Class 1-A.

Now normally, Hatsume would be super optimistic no matter the Situation. But this time, She wasn't. When she first saw what happened to Class 1-A, She was distraught. No one their age should be losing entire limbs, And at the very beginning of their hero journey too! It's Unbelievable how brutal villains can be sometimes.

Hatsume: "I know it's bad... But we have to push through this. We can't just 2 villains push us into despair so easily, We can win if we stay hopeful." Hatsume said. But in all honesty, she was being hypocritical. She was currently feeling despair because The Top ranking heroes along with Everyone in class 1-A were completely decimated by 2 people.

Melissa: "I guess your right, There's no point in not pushing through, If we're going down we're gonna go down fighting!" Melissa said as she made the finishing touches to Tsuyus Eyes and Iidas leg.

Melissa: "Alright, I finished Tsus eyes and Iidas leg. How's progress on Kirishimas arm?" Melissa asked Hatsume.

Hatsume: "Should be done right about... Now." She said as she finished up Kirishimas arm.

Melissa: "Alright, Now let's just give these to recovery girl and she'll attach them to the Class!" Melissa said, no longer as sad as she was before.

-Cut to Recovery girl's office.-

We see Melissa and Hatsume in Recovery girl's office with all of the Artificial limbs they made.

Melissa: "Hey recovery girl! We have the limbs!" Melissa called out to Recovery girl as she pulls out multiple boxes of mechanical limbs.

Recovery girl: "Ok Good. Now shoo will ya? I... No, WE, Need to do surgery." Recovery girl said as multiple top-ranking American surgeons came through the door.

Surgeon 1: "Hey Recovery girl, nice to meet you!" The surgeon said as he brought his hand forward for a handshake.

Recovery girl: "Likewise." Recovery girl said as she shook his hand.

-Cut to You and Chara.-

You and Chara were currently playing video games, having a fun time Until something Popped up in front of her.

Chara: "Wait y/n! Pause the game!" Chara said as she shook your shoulder.

You then pause the game and take off your headphones.

Y/n: "Yeah, what is it? Need to go to the bathroom or something?" You said to chara in a teasing tone, only for her to hit you.

Chara: "No you Idiot! Something just popped up in front of me." Chara said as she directed her vision below, making you do the same.

What you see is a bit interesting, but also a bit weird. It looks like a large grayed-out button-like thing with a lock symbol on it, saying "You do not have enough LOVE to use this." Confusing you and chara greatly.

Chara: "Dont have enough LOVE? But im level 50! What could this possibly be? And why doesn't it tell me how much LOVE I need?" Chara questioned while crying anime tears, REALLY wanting to know what this was.

Y/n: "Well Chara, That just means that we need to go out and kill people. Shouldn't be too hard." You said to chara, reassuring her.

Then, an idea pops into your head.

Y/n: "How about this, Tomorrow we'll slaughter the survivors of our initial massacre. And we'll also kill whoever decides to help them, will that cheer you up?" You questioned Chara while pecking her on the forehead.

Chara: "Y-Yeah... That'd cheer me up." Chara said while hugging you.

Eri, hearing her Mama and Papa having a conversation, gets curious and decides to ask them about it.

Eri: "Mama, Papa, What are yiu guys talking about?" Eri asked you and chara.

Y/n: "Well eri, Tomorrow...

UA falls."

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