Chapter 4

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There. He finally said it to her. He felt a massive weight go off his chest once he said those words. Now what he had to worry about is what she'll say, will she reject him? Or will she reciprocate his feelings? He hoped it was the latter. He then waited in anticipation, as chara went silent, contemplating her answer.

Chara: 'HESAIDITHESAIDITHESAIDIT HESAIDIT!!' Chara thought to herself in relief that she didn't have to take the dive and confess her feelings.

Now you were getting really scared, she was looking down, in soul-crushing silence. You thought that she was feeling guilty for not feeling the same, so you begin to tear up a bit and leave.

Y/n: "I-Im just gonna go to my room now.." You said sadly, thinking that she doesn't feel the same. But as you go to your room.

You suddenly get pulled into a passionate intimate kiss by chara, yiu try to pull away but she has her arms wrapped around your neck, preventing you from escaping. After a few seconds of this, you decided to say screw it and kiss her back. You then wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her closer to you, deepening the passionate Psuedo lovemaking.

After a few minutes of kissing, you finally break apart for that damned Oxygen that you need to breathe. You then sit down, letting what just happened to sink in.

Chara, being a bit lust drunk, straddles you, and says something you would've never expected her to say.

Chara: "You know y/n... Now that we're an official couple... You're allowed to touch me where and whenever you want, same goes for me of course." She says while ripping off your shirt and feeling up your chiseled abs, making you incredibly flustered.

Chara: "Geez y/n, When did you get a body like this? I really should've confessed sooner, so I could feel all of this" She says while continuing to feel you up, Hatsume Style.

You were too nervous to even resist, The fact that just a moment ago she was super flustered and embarrassed to even say 3 words was unbelievable. But now after you confessed, She's bold and unashamed. More of a Personality switch than a certain eccentric villain.

Chara, seeing your nervousness just says screw it and decides to help you move along herself.

Chara: "Cmon y/n, I won't mind. You can do anything to your heart's content, with the exception di sex of course, but that'll come eventually." She says seductively as she moves your hands to her Voluptuous and bountiful ass.

Y/n: "Are you sure about this? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." You said it chara, trying to make sure he was in the clear.

Chara then grabs your face and kisses you once more, and then begins to speak.

Chara: "This is why I love you. You look dont look at appearance or ability, you look at the person themselves, Also, I'm completely fine with you doing this, you big idiot." She says while pecking you on the forehead.

After getting the ok from chara, you started to softly grip her ass, making her moan a bit.

Chara: "C-Can you go a little harder?" Chara struggles to say.

You then grip her glorious ass harder, making her squeeze your body against hers in pleasure.

Chara: "C-Crap! Why are you so good at this!" Chara says while in immense pleasure

Seeing Chara like this makes you feel prideful, So you squeeze even hardware making her feel even better.

After several minutes of squeezing charas ass, you unfortunately have to stop to talk to her about their plan to wipe out humanity.

Darken the World (Malereader x BNHA) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now