Chapter 18

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Izuku: 'W-What the hell?! Why is he here? HOW is he here, HOW did he find us?! And what's with that black stuff on his body?!' Izuku thinks to himself as he activates full cowling, while also panicking and wondering as to how you found them, and why half of your body is pure black.

Izuku: "KOTA! GET AWAY FROM HERE, THIS GUY IS-" Izuku then gets cut off by you punching him into a wall, hurting his arms severally.

Y/n: "Pay attention to the fight Midoriya." You say in a slightly distorted voice.

You then look at Kota, and just by your gaze alone Kota is paralyzed with fear. He has never been more scared than he has been as of this moment.

You then punt Kota off the edge of the cliff and look back toward Izuku, Izuku has a look of rage on his face as he goes and tries to save Kota, But he couldn't. Kota then continues falling to the ground, his screams echoing throughout the forest until he hit the ground... dead.

Izuku, seeing someone die in front of him, he's completely stunned, lost for words. He just sits there, staring at The ground, until you begin to speak.

Y/n: "Welp, There he goes. You lose some you win some, What a stupid kid." You say while looking over the cliff at Kotas's body and whistling.

Izuku is completely pissed, The angriest he has been in his entire life, even when you mentally scarred bakugo for life he wasn't as mad as he was now. You just tossed a kid off a cliff, and you didn't have the slightest bit of remorse.

Izuku's full cowling then slowly starts getting brighter and brighter, catching your attention, then he begins to speak.

Izuku: "Take... That... Back..." Izuku said as he begins to stand up, dull cowling getting even brighter than before.

Y/n: "Hmmm... Nah. I Dont really feel like it." You said while looking at Izuku with a smug face.

Izuku: "I said... TAKE THAT BACK, YOU BASTARD!!" Izuku said as he charged at you with 100% of full cowling on.

-Cut to Chara.-

Chara: "Howdy, how's life treating ya?" Chara said while smiling with her knife in hand.

Ochako: "I-I-Its her!!" Ochako said while paralyzed with fear.

Tsuyu: "T-T-The One who killed All Might!!" Tsuyu said as she unconsciously backed away.

Chara: "Yup, That would be me. Now are we starting or what? Im starting to get bored here." Chara said while fake filing her nails. But while she's doing this, She gets kicked into a tree by Aizawa.

Aizawa: "You should pay attention to your surroundings." Aizawa said while smirking.

Mina: "It's Aizawa!" Mina said in a hopeful tone of voice at the sight of their sensei arriving.

Chara then starts laughing, then she says: "Like your pathetic excuse for a teacher showing up makes any difference. He just got one lucky hit on me, thats it." Chara said while getting up and dusting herself off, not damaged by Aizawas kick in the slightest.

Chara, wanting to end this quickly and go home, decides to just take out her knife and decapitate Aizawa instant, much to the horror of The students.

Chara: "Has it sunken in yet? That sinking feeling of death that you have no chance of Avoiding? Welp, No matter. You all are gonna die anyway." Chara said as she charged at the students.

-Cut back to you.-

Izuku then prepares to hit you with a 100% Detroit Smash, But you just dodge out of the way before it can hit you, then you kick Izuku off of the Cliff and jump down after him.

When Izuku hits the ground you land on him, shoving your foot deep into Izukus chest, making him vomit out blood but he's persisting on with that same angry look on his face.

Y/n: 'Hm. This must be one of those rage boosts I see in Anime, Because If I would've hit anyone else with that then they would've been knocked out instantly.' You thought to yourself as you punch him into the mountain, he gets hurt but he's still moving, Izuku has gone berserk.

Izuku: "CALIFORNIA... SMASH!!!" Izuku shouts as he spins in the air and hits you with a punch to the head, It caused you a bit of pain but nothing you couldn't handle.

Y/n: 'Interesting... Now those smashes of his hurt a little, even with hatred covering me. But his arms are gonna get destroyed if he keeps this up.' You said as you looked at Izukus purple arms.

Izuku: "DELAWARE SMASH! DETROIT SMASH! CAROLINA SMASH! TEXAS SMASH!" Izuku said, firing off a consecutive amount of smashes.

-Cut back to Chara.-

As chara was about to charge the students, She suddenly hears a loud boom toward where you were, She sees a bunch of trees flying everywhere, she gets confused by this and speaks.

Chara: "Y/n should've won by now.." Chara says confused that you haven't ended Izuku yet.

Ochako: "DEKU IS GONNA KICK HIS ASS!" Ochako says with her fist in the air, unknowing that the exact opposite was happening.

Mina: "YEAH! IZUKU IS GONNA DESTROY YOUR BOY TOY AND HE'S GONNA GET YOU NEXT!" Mina said with also her fist in the air.

And Chara, having some of your hatred in her and being able to see through your eyes, decides to take a look at you, she then sees that you're just playing around with Izuku.

Chara: "Ohhh Nevermind. I see what he's doing." Chara said while turning back around to Class 1-A.

Chara: "Now then, Back to what we were doing." Chara says while charging at the class once again.

-Cut to y/n.-

After all those smashes Izuku did, Izuku calms down and acts like normal again. But then he suddenly has a rush of pain go throughout his entire body.

Izuku: 'DAMN! THIS FUCKING HURTS! But im gonna have to keep standing up I have to defeat this guy, I have to win, But my arms are decimated, even If I were to win, would I even have arms anymore?' Izuku thought to himself, but he didn't care what happened to his body, As long as the villain at the end of the day was defeated, So... Izuku had One. Last. Trump card.

Izuku then charges at you, with his left hand raised, then suddenly, 8 flashes of light go off.

And then One final light flashes, As a Visage of All might appears and gives Izuku the remaining power of One for All.

All might: "It's your turn now. Bring the demon down, Young Midoriya." Then the visage of All might disappears, leaving Izuku to roar 4 legendary words.

Izuku: "UNITED... STATES OF... SMASH!!!!!"

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