Chapter 6

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We currently see you and chara dashing in rhe direction where you felt that sheer amount of LOVE. Whoever must have that much must be powerful... Right?

Chara: "So this is the place huh?" Chara says while looking up at what looks like a Regular Rundown bar.

Y/n: "Probably." You reply to her as you break down the door.

We then cut to the league of villains, sitting and having a chat about what happened at the USJ, Until suddenly their door bursts open. And the same person that screwed over their plans standing in it, Along with an unknown girl.

Tomura: "ITS HIM MASTER! IT'S THAT SAME BRAT WHO KILLED THE NOMU!" The handyman shouted at the TV screen saying "Audio Only".

???: " So you're the one huh? I don't know who the girl is and I don't care. Just know that I will find yiu and take your quirk. Whatever It may be." The Unknown person behind the screen said menacingly.

You didn't listen to him, as you just looked at Tomura and Kurogiri and killed them instantly, with the intent of pissing off the man behind the screen, which ended up working.

???: "YOU DAMN BRAT! I'LL KILL YOU!" The man behind the screen shouted angrily.

You then notice that your LOVE has increased from 1 to 8. Not that much but it's better than nothing. You then notice that your abilities have gotten stronger, Including your sensory abilities. The LOVE that you felt earlier wasn't Tomuras, But All for ones being added TO tomuras.

You then Pinpoint where that Actually mountain of LOVE and you and chara fly towards it. Leading to an abandoned building.

You and chara then enter the building, Seeing a weird man with a Potato like head, along with a doctor with a large mustache.

???: "What the hell! How did they find us?! This place is meant to be well hidden!" The doctor shouted while panicking.

???: "Calm down doctor. I'll just kill them and steal their quirks." The potato head said calmly while preparing to shoot some tendrils at you.

But before he could hit you, you pull out your Knife and Shoot a hate laser at All for One's head, killing him instantly. And Gaining a metric FUCK ton of LOVE. Going from Level 8 to 80. When you gain this LOVE, Everyone in Japan suddenly feels An Immense amount of fear.

-Cut to UA.-

Everything was normal at UA, The class 1-a students were doing a Quiz that Aizawa gave them for shits and giggles. Until suddenly, Everyone feels A massive wave of fear go over their bodies. Even Aizawa, who was about to go to sleep, instantly shoots up and activates his quirk out of pure instinct. After a few minutes of Awkward silence, Izuku speaks up.

Izuku: "W-What the hell was that?!" Izuku said while still shivering in terror.

Kirishima: "Was that a villain's quirk or something?!" Kirishima said, also scared.

Todoroki: "W-Who in the world?! What kind of human being can exhibit that much power!! Everyone in Japan Must've felt that!" Todoroki says while uncharacteristically scared.

Everyone else either had the same reactions, questioning what just happened, Or were like Mineta and got knocked out from the pure terror that they felt.

Aizawa: "Ok everyone, Turn in your tests to me immediately. You get an A for the day, You're dismissed!" Aizawa said while running out of the classroom and to Nezus's Office.

-Cut to Aizawa along with Every other teacher in Nezus's office.-

Vlad king: "Nezu, You felt that too right?" Vlad said in a slightly panicky tone.

Aizawa: "That kind of pressure doesn't come from any Joe Shmo villain, this is Serious!" Aizawa also said to Nezu.

Midnight: "Who or whatever that was must be extremely powerful. We can't just ignore this!" Midnight said to Nezu.

Nezu: "Alright everyone, Calm down. I get that your concerned but panicking won't help the situation. We'll give the students a week off to uo the security of our school and also investigate where that Pressure wave came from." Nezu said calmly but under the table, his leg was shaking profusely. He was also scared.

We then cut to outside UA, We see a bunch of knocked-out civilians, From cashiers to bankers to Janitors. Everyone was a victim of that pressure wave, Only a few People managed to not get knocked out.

???: "Woah-ho! Whoever that is must be strong! I've gotta go there and kill them!" A blonde man with an artificial eye in his left socket said while grinning.

???: "Geez, Whoever emitted that must be killed immediately. If they are just allowed to run free then I fear for what will happen to this world." A man with one too many sharp weapons said while sighing.

???: "WOOW! That person is cool! I really wanna see them bleed!" A crazed girl with 2 blonde messy hair buns said longingly.

???: "Geez. And I thought that the old man's presence was frightening, but that just takes the cake." A black-haired man with burns all over his body said in a slightly fearful tone of voice.

???: "Sir, Did you feel that?" A short man in a bird mask said to his superior.

???: "Yes, I did. And I worry that whoever that was will interfere with our mission. So we need to take precautions to make sure that doesn't happen." The man with a bird mask said while carrying a little girl with white hair.

-Cut to you and chara-

Y/n: "Holy hell! He was a goldmine! My LOVE increased tenfold!" You said while surprised."

???: "Love? W-what the hell are yiu talking abou-" but before the doctor could finish, you decapitate him. Gaining another 20 love.

Y/n: "Cool! Just from those 2, my love increased to exactly 100!" You said excitedly, only to be tapped in the shoulder by Chara.

Chara: "Oi! Don't leave me out on the fun! Gimme some!" Chara says while waiting for you to split the love you gained from those 2 to Chara.

Y/n: "Ugh, Ok fine.." You say as you begrudgingly give Chara half of your LOVE, decreasing your level to 50, and increasing hers to 50.

Chara: "God damn! This is Insane!" Chara said while surprised at the power boost she just got.

Y/n: "I know right?! Let's go home and celebrate our LOVE increase!" You said excitedly as you teleport home.

Chara: "Oh I know just how to celebrate all right. And I know you'll love it too as well." She said seductively, Teleporting Away.

Darken the World (Malereader x BNHA) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now