Chapter 12

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Everyone was shocked when you and chara came to disrupt the UA sports festival, Everyone watching the sports festival from home were thankful that they didn't go in person, but the parents of the students who were competing in the sports festival were scared shitless, UA let villains into their walls once again. While everyone was scared out of their minds, One child was excited to see what will happen.

Eri: "YAY! Mama and papa are gonna annihilate them! And then, Humankind is gonna crumble!" Eri says while imagining herself standing on top of a pile of bodies while breathing fire with a crown on her head.


Eri: "Hey Mama, Papa, I've been meaning to ask, what exactly are you doing?" Eri asks innocently, wanting to know what your goals in life were.

Y/n: "What do you mean?" You asked confused, not knowing what she meant.

Eri: "I mean... What have you been doing when you're not here, What are your goals?" Eri asked, trying to make you understand what she meant.

You then look at chara, she then nodded, signifying that It was ok to tell her, then you prepare yourself for how Eri was gonna respond.

Y/n: "Ok, Im gonna be completely straight up and honest with you alright?" You said to Eri, making her nod in understanding.

Y/n: "Alright, You see, We want to wipe every other person off the earth, except for us of course." You said to eri bluntly, leaving her with a surprised face.

Eri didn't know exactly what you meant, but she did know the consequences of getting rid of every human on earth, So to say she was surprised was an understatement.

Eri: "W-Wipe out everyone? B-But why??" Eri asked you in a scared and confused tone.

Y/n: "Because Humanity had done terrible things. And ever since quirks came to existence, It's only gotten worse. Let's use you for an example, Because of Quirks, you were taken by overhaul. And because of the Sickening nature of humans, They were completely guilt-free. And there may be good people in this world sure, but the good doesn't outweigh the bad. And the only real way to get rid of the bad is to wipe everyone out. If you're gonna hate me because thats what I wanna do, thats fine, You can even leave if you want to. I'll even spare you." You say to Eri, who was surprised once again.

Eri was conflicted, on one hand, she agreed. Humanity was terrible, and her past with overhaul proved just that perfectly. On another hand, She didn't. And you proved that humanity has good qualities because you saved her from overhaul. After a few seconds of awkward silence and her thinking, She caved in and decided to stay.

Eri: "I agree with you, Humans must be exterminated." Eri said, catching you off guard. But the main reason that Eri agreed in the first place is that she had nowhere else to go. If she had left, Who would take care of her? Who could help her? And according to your speech from earlier, no one would even lift a hand to help her, so she decided to stay.

Y/n: "R-Really? Just like that?" You said surprised, You fully expected Eri to go on a whole rant about how terrible of a person you were and then for her to storm out and tears, but that didnt happen. And you were ecstatic that she didn't do that.

You then start to cry a bit, this is the first time in your life that you weren't crying in pain or sadness, you crying tears of joy.

Y/n: "T-Thank you! I *Hic* w-wouldn't be able to l-live with *Hic out you." You said through tears. You and Eri might have not been Father and Daughter for long, but the smile she gives you when she's happy, and when she calls you "papa" makes you happy in a different than chara.

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