Chapter 13

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All might: 'H-He blocked Midoriyas full cowling with one finger! That weird black energy must have something to do with it..' All might thinks to himself.

After you block Izukus kick, you grab his foot and slam him on the ground. You then keep your grip on his leg as you slowly step on it, breaking his leg, and making Izuku scream in pain.

Y/n: "Well, That pretty much takes care of him." You say nonchalantly as you get off of Izuku and kick him into a wall, making a sizeable dent in it.

Being pissed that you beat down their classmate so effortless, IIda, Kirishima, Tsuyu, and Ochako all came at you.

Iida charges up a kick and tries to hit you with it, but you, being pissed about all these people that use kicks, Decide to take out your knife and slice Iidas leg off, making him scream in pain, you then kick him in the air.

While IIda is in the air, Kirishima Charges at you with his hardened fists, intending to break your jaw for what you did to your friends. But you just sweep his leg and pick him up, and as Iida was falling back down, you then stand in a position like you were about to swing a baseball bat, then, before Iida could hit the ground you swing the still hardened kirishima at Iida, breaking Iidas shoulder and his lower back, nearly making him suffer permanent spinal damage BUT giving him permanently back pain.

 But you just sweep his leg and pick him up, and as Iida was falling back down, you then stand in a position like you were about to swing a baseball bat, then, before Iida could hit the ground you swing the still hardened kirishima at Iida, breaki...

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AND, if thats not enough, you swung kirishima so hard that you RIPPED Kirishimas arm off. Then, Tsuyu tried to grab you with her tongue, but you just grab her tongue and pull her toward you and RIP her eyes out, Blinding Tsuyu.

Then, Ochako came at you, trying to make you float to restrain you. But, you just take her arms and inject her with a bit of hatred, so you could hear and see everything she hears and sees. And then you give her a hard punch to the gut, making her vomit out buckets of blood and knocking her out instantly.

-Chara vs teachers and other Pros.-

Chara: "Geez, Y/n must be having so much fun screwing over those kids' careers. Oh well, It is what it is." Chara says while blocking a punch from all might.

All might: "PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR OPPONENT LITTLE GIRL." All might said condescendingly.

Chara then notices something off about All might, He was shaking, looking like he was desperately trying to hold back something, she then notices that All might be puffing in his left side. Her eyes then drift from All mights face to where his injury was, having an epiphany.

Chara: "Hey All might, You're weakened arent you?" Chara asked while grinning, shocking All might to his core.

All might: 'Shit! How did she find out about it?! All she did was look at me!' All might think to himself, trying to figure out how this random nobody villain figured out that he was injured.

Chara then dashes toward all might and kicked him in his injury, trying to figure out if her assumption was right, And she was. After Chara kicked all might he held his left side in sheer pain.

Chara: "So you ARE weakened! Ain't that neat." Chara said as she pulled out her knife.

Endeavor, having enough of Charas shit, charges at her and tried to hit her with a prominence burn, but before he could even charge up a prominence burn, Chara sliced endeavors right arm off faster than the eye could see, making him scream in agony.

Endeavor: "AAAAHHHHHHH!! FUCK! YOU STUPID BI-" but before endeavor could finish, Chara decapitated him.

Chara: "Quit yelling." Chara said while rubbing the left side of her head.

Aizawa: 'Damn, This is bad! She completely outmatches us almost to a sad degree, We can't win.' Aizawa thought to himself, thinking logically unlike everyone else.

Chara then decides to screw with all might a bit more, She dashed toward All might and punched him in the face, knocking out a few of his teeth. She then grabbed both of his arms with one hand and held her knife in the other.

She then began to stab all might in his injury repeatedly, making all might yell in pain, he then deflated to his skinny form.

Chara, being taken aback by this, jumps back in surprise.

Chara: "What the hell? Why did you get skinnier?" Chara questioned all might, she knew of his injury but she didnt know of this form.

All might: "Because villain, you practically got rid of my buff form by stabbing me so much." All might said angrily while vomiting up blood.

Chara: "Well, You can just sit there as you watch your friends and students die. Fine with me." Chara said while shrugging and running towards present mic.

As chara was running toward present mic, He was preparing the biggest, loudest shout that he has ever mustered. But when he was gonna release it, Chara decapitates him instantly, knowing what he was gonna do.

Aizawa gets pissed seeing this, First shirakumo dies, and now Present mic, his only other friend was dead too.

Aizawa then charges chara, with tears streaming down his face in pure, unfiltered, rage.

Aizawa: "DAAAAAMNN YOU!!" Aizawa shouted as he prepared to punch chara, only for chara to dodge and slash one of his eyes out and punch him into a wall, knocking him out instantly.

-Cut to you.-

Y/n: "Well, as fun as this has been, I have to leave. But dont worry, I'll kill all of you eventually." You said ominously as you shouted toward chara.

Y/n: "CHARA! We're done here. But let's finish this... With a bang." You said while imitating an explosion with your hands, making chara nod in agreement.

You and chara then jump on top of the announcer's booth, as you join knives and make a Giant black and red energy ball.

Y/n & Chara: "HAVE SOME OF OUR HATE, HEROES!" You and chara said at the same time as you throw the attack at everyone, then teleport away

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Y/n & Chara: "HAVE SOME OF OUR HATE, HEROES!" You and chara said at the same time as you throw the attack at everyone, then teleport away.

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