Chapter 20

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Nezu: "H-How are you- No, thats not important, What did you do to Aizawa?!" Nezu shouted at you and Chara.

Y/n: "Well Chimera if you MUST know... They're all dead. Every. Single. One." You said while smirking a bit.

Chara: "And Now, we're gonna blow this place sky high, and after that, rhe world is done for." Chara also said while smirking.

Then, You and Chara leave Nezu's office and go to the top of a tall building, Then, You and Chara join knives and summon a giant fuck-off red and black hate ball, But it doesn't stop there. Instead, you and chara condense it down to a smaller ball, And you Aim it at UA and fire it.

The blast takes the form of a laser, And when it hits UA, the building gets annihilated, Wiped from the earth

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The blast takes the form of a laser, And when it hits UA, the building gets annihilated, Wiped from the earth. After that, you and chara stayed in the building to check how much love you gained and what abilities you unlocked.

Chara: "Holy Shit! I gained a ton of Love from that! I went from level 54 to 80!" Chara said surprised.

Y/n: "What a coincidence, I also went from 54 to 80." You said to chara in a surprised tone of voice, shocked that you and chara gained the same amount of love.

Then, you and chara suddenly hear screams of terror and panic from the Civilians.

You and Chara then look at each other.

Y/n: "Well Chara, Since we're here... Let's just destroy Japan Already, Im getting sick of waiting." You said bluntly, making chara nod in agreement.

Chara: "Might as well. Should be pretty fun." Chara said while smiling.

-Timeskip 3 weeks.-

It was a complete massacre. No one survived you and Chara's slaughtering, No man woman, or child were spared. And because of the destruction, You and chara had to move, where you ask? To Charas Inventory. And thankfully, Time is dilated in Charas inventory, so food expires MUCH slower, and people can survive way longer without food. You also decided to spare a certain someone.

We currently see you and chara on the couch having a conversation, while Eri is currently in the basement of the house. And Bakugo is chained up in a different part of Charas Inventory.

Y/n: "Alright Chara, How much did you gain?" You asked Chara.

Chara: "I went from level 80 to Level 1342. My Hp also shot WAY up, I went from 1220 to... To 9 with 9 zeroes. Thats 9 million I think. So basically I  can never die, My damage is just " Error" So I think that means I can just one-shot anyone... Huh." Chara said casually.

Y/n: "My level went from 80 to 1346. Slightly higher than yours. And before you say it, Im gonna split it so don't worry." You said as you gave 3 levels to Chara, reducing your level to 1343 and increasing her level to 1343.

Y/n: "And now our stats are the same. We're essentially immortal." You said to Chara, making her nod in agreement.

Y/n: "Also, 2 questions, how high do you think our levels will be when we wipe out humanity, and also, has that locked ability been unlocked yet?" You asked Chara.

Chara: "To answer those questions in order, I dont fucking know 10 Thousand? And No, it hasn't." Chara said to You.

Y/n: "Seriously? What could that ability POSSIBLY be?" You asked yourself.

Chara: "Maybe it's the ability to travel to other worlds?" Said chara.

Y/n: "Maybe. Either that or it's something else entirely." You said to chara.

Chara: "Whatever It is doesn't matter. It'll unlock eventually. Let's just go check on Eri." Chara said as she headed to the basement.

You and Chara then headed to the basement of your house to see Eri kicking a tied-up person in the "Family Jewels" while they're screaming in pain, which was music to Eri's ears.

Eri: "HOW DOES THAT FEEL HUH? BET YOU REGRET EVERYTHING YOU DID NOW HUH?" Shouted Eri as she kept kicking them in the family jewels.

Y/n: "Hey Eri, if you want them to be in more pain, use this." You said while handing her a knife.

Eri: "Thanks, Papa!" Eri said innocently as she proceeded to stab the tied-up person in the family jewels, making them scream in more pain than ever, which made Eri happier.

Y/n: "Well, we're gonna go and finish off the world now, remember, DONT kill him, Also, Have fun torturing...


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