Chapter 3

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11 years. It's been 11, Almost 12 whole years since you met chara. And boy has a lot of things happened, first off, Bakugo stopped bullying Izuku after he met you. The reason for this is because he just can't get you out of his head, That feeling of pure terror he felt when he laid eyes on you was unforgettable. He couldn't even sleep for several months because he'd just have nightmares about you. When Izuku heard about what happened after bakugo encountered this person it made him pissed and also scared, what could this person possibly be like to shake up bakugo this badly? He wanted to become a hero quickly to find this person and question them.

Izuku, instead of being deterred by this person for traumatizing bakugo when he encountered him, Only wanted to find him all the more. He wanted to find you so he could beat the crap out of you for scaring bakugo so badly. So he started learning martial arts and training, If he didn't have a quirk then he would put all of his energy into his physical strength.

In school, bakugo never really bullied anyone. Because he felt like if he bullied someone again someone would step in and make him feel that fear that he felt when he bullied Chara. So he started becoming nicer to everyone and encouraged their dreams, And when everyone heard the news of bakugo being so traumatized that he was no longer an arrogant bully, they were thankful to you for straightening him out. He even stopped bullying Izuku, who he considered the bottom of the barrel in terms of students because of his quirklessness.

Now Izuku was curious but also scared. He was curious because bakugo was known for being a brash and confident kid, and after meeting this mysterious person he completely took a 180. He was scared because of the how what could've happened? Who could've changed bakugo? Izuku was pondering this for years, it was one of the questions that he wanted answers to most.

Now onto what the results of you and charas training were, You were strong, REALLY strong. You and chara had physical strength and speed that could rival All mights, And your stamina was off the charts, you two could run for 500 miles without stopping, you two could lift around 18 tons max. In physical power, you two could rival the strongest physical strength-enhancing quirks.

When it comes to your abilities, You learned what they truly were, They were called "Soul Attribute Magic" And people's magic was different depending on your soul color, You learned that your soul color, was black, meaning hatred. And Charas was red, meaning determination. Both of these traits had almost the same abilities, those being to create weapons, shoot large and powerful lasers from your hands and weapons, And physical strength, speed, and endurance increasement.

When it comes to weapons, both you and chara were masters when it came to the knife, If you were cooking using a knife you could put the greatest chefs in the world to shame. You were also good at using some other weapons but your main was the Knife.

Also over the years, both you and Chara were slowly building up feelings for each other but were too afraid of rejection to confess. You were the only thing you guys had, If you were to lose each other you wouldn't be able to go on. But you didn't like chara for her looks like other guys did, you liked, adored her personality. She was basically what any other person should be but better.

Speaking of looks, Over the 11 years chara has developed, she has developed so much that she could put Nejire, UA's Idol to shame. Just her beauty alone could make any guy fall in love with her just by looking at her. And that's not even getting into the assets, Her assets were what every guy and girl could only dream of, Sometimes when she would go out for a walk or buy groceries she would get catcalled a bunch of scummy-looking douche bag guys. Some have even gone as far as to try to assault or pay her for a one-night stand, But every time someone would try those she would beat the crap out of them with her physical strength. Because of those types of people, she hated humanity all the more.

In terms of looks for you, You were JACKED. Not in a grossly buff way by in a Good way, When you would take your turn going out for groceries girls would just flock to you like pigeons to birdseed. It was mostly because you wouldn't wear thick enough clothing to hide anything. You mostly wore black short sleeve shirts, therefore exposing your muscles, making everyone stare at you in public. Some guys even got so jealous of you that gangs of 10+ guys would try to jump you in front of a crowd of people on multiple occasions. But usually, you would beat them all down without a sweat, only making girls in that area wanting you all the more.

As for your house, I bet the years it improved ever so slowly. You guys decided to become vigilantes to earn money, You were hiding your abilities by just using your physical strength, which was more than enough. You were hiding your Identities using a mask and a black cloak, making you blend into the night, making you all the more difficult and to catch. You had all the essentials of a house needed, Like an internet connection, electricity, all of that.

-Cut to you and chara eating together while watching a movie.-

As the credits for the movie you guys were both getting nervous, Coincidentally, you guys were gonna confess to each other today. Enough with all the hot and bothered crap, It's now or never.

Y/n: "Uh, Hey chara?" You called for her, with your palms sweaty, knees weak arms heavy.

Chara: "Yeah y/n, what is it?" Chara said, getting more hopeful and nervous by the second.

Y/n: "I-" You then feel the most nervousness that you ever felt in your life. 'DAMMIT JUST SAY IT! WHY IS IT SO HARD TO JUST SAY 3 WORDS?! IM NOT GONNA DIE BY SAYING THEM SO CMON ALREADY!' You shout internally to yourself, And after a few painstaking seconds, you finally gain the courage to say the words you've been wanting to say for many many years.

"I love you."

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