Chapter 10

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We cut to you in your house in a lotus position, talking through overhauls body from miles away.

Chara: "What the heck are you doing?" Chara asked curiously, wanting to know why you were talking to nothing.

Y/n: "I wanted to test something, and it turns out I can possess people if I can inject them with my hatred. And I am currently possessing That bird mask guy that the heroes called " Overhaul" cool right?" You explained to chara, making her understand.

Chara: "Oh thats cool! Well, you keep doing you then." Chara said as she walked away.

-Timeskip 3 hours.-

We cut to Overhaul being tied down to a chair, with Tsukauchi in a chair in front of him, asking him questions.

Tsukauchi: "Wait... Why did your appearance change?" Tsukauchi asked in a worried tone because of his appearance changing out of nowhere.

Y/n & Overhaul: "I bet you wanna know who I am... Dont you?" You asked Tsukauchi in a condescending tone of voice, catching him off guard.

Tsukauchi then slams his hand on the table, then asks: "WHO ARE YOU?!" He asked yiu in a slightly angered tone.

Y/n & Overhaul: "Now now... You wouldn't want to hurt that poor table, would you? And as to who I am... I am the one who attacked this poor bastard. I am also the one who killed All for One." You said in a mocking tone, surprising Tsukauchi

Tsukauchi: "Y-You're the one who wants to wipe out humanity?? Why?! What could have possibly happened to you to make you want to end the human race?!" He asked whilst shouting at you, Surprisingly, there aren't that many villains who want to end humanity, most of them only want to rule it. So seeing someone who wants to wipe out the human race is rare.

Y/n & Overhaul: "I have many reasons as to why I want to wipe humans from the earth. One of them is quirks. Ever since quirks came into existence the world has only gotten worse, I just saved a child who was in the grasp of this guy because of her quirk. She would've lived a happy life with her family if quirks never came into existence. Another reason is how terrible people can be, Crime, Murder, Assassination, Rape, Humanity does all of these things, And more. No matter how many  times these crimes are stopped more will always happen, So the only way to eliminate the problem is to go to the source, and that source is humanity." You said to Tsukauchi, making him surprised. Because he thought you would be another psychotic villain, but you sounded calm, collected, and intelligent.

Tsukauchi: "B-But what about all the good in the world? The Heroes, Cops, Firefighters, Charity, the people who save lives every single day, what about all of that? Are they bad people too?" Tsukauchi asked you in an angry tone of voice for thinking that every human deserves to die for the actions of others.

Y/n & Overhaul: "You think that a few good actions outweigh the bad? Do you think that bringing up a few good things about the world will stop me? Well, you're wrong. There are good things in this world, yes, but that doesn't cleanse humanity in the slightest, nor will those good things stop the bad. The only way to get rid of the bad completely is to get rid of humanity, Now then, I will be taking my leave." You said as left overhauls body.

Overhaul: "W-What just happened?!" overhaul asked in shock and confusion.

Tsukauchi, after hearing everything you said, decided to send overhaul to prison for now.

Tsukauchi then decides to go to UA and have a meeting with the teachers about everything he heard.

-Cut to you and chara.-

After you were done possessing overhaul, you were tired. Yiu wanted ti to say more to Tsukauchi but because you JUST figured out your new ability, you couldn't.

Y/n: "Geez, using that takes alot out of me..." You said to yourself while trying to catch your breath.

Chara: "So y/n, How'd it go?" Chara asked you, referring to your new ability and your talk with Tsukauchi.

Y/n: "Didnt go as well as I had hoped. My possession was running out quicker than I had anticipated." You said while looking down, slightly disappointed in yourself.

Chara, seeing you sad is making her also sad. So she decides to straddle you and bring you in for a passionate kiss, You, being an opportunist, grope her dump truck of an ass.

This goes on for several minutes until you hear a voice.

Eri: "Uh... Mama, Papa, what are you doing?" Eri asked innocently, not knowing what stuff like "making out" means.

Both of you were completely surprised, you didn't even make sure that Eri was busy before you decided to get intimate with each other.

Y/n: "Well Eri, as your mom and dad, we love each other, and we sometimes show that love by doing stuff like this." You explain to Eri while pointing to chara On top of you.

Eri: "Oh, That makes sense. Later mom and dad!" Eri said cheerfully as she skipped away back to her room.

Chara: "Wow... Didn't know you could come up with an excuse on the spot like that. It's impressive~" Chara said while whispering in your ear.

-Cut Tsukauchi meeting with Nezu and the other teachers.-

Nezu: "So you're telling me that the guy who killed All for One possessed Overhaul talked to you?" Nezu said to Tsukauchi.

Tsukauchi: "Yes, Thats right." Tsukauchi said as Nezu continued to drink tea.

Nezu: "I see. So did you manage to get any important information out of him? Like his quirk, or his location?" Nezu asked.

Tsukauchi: "No, only his reasoning for wanting to end the world. But what I do know is that one of the aspects of his quirk allows him to possess people. Other than that, Nothing." Tsukauchi said while sighing in disappointment.

Nezu: "Ah well. Im sure we'll get an opportunity to get more out of him eventually." Nezu said calmy.

-Timeskip 1 month.-

We cut to class 1-a and class 1-b and other students preparing to dash through the obstacle course of the Sports festival, unknowing of the threat thats coming.

Chara: "Alright Y/n, Are you ready to go?" Chara asked while getting prepped to leave.

Y/n: "Of course I am." You responded to Chara while pecking her on the lips.

Eri: "Hey Mama and Papa, where are you going?" Eri asked, not knowing what you and chara were gonna do.

Y/n: "Dont worry snowflake, we'll be back before you know it. Also, We're gonna go attack the UA sports festival." You said to Eri.

Eri: "Oh really?! Im gonna go turn in the TV and watch you! It's gonna be so coool! They're explosions, and death, and murder it'll be so fun to watch!" Eri said happily as she bolted to the living room to watch the sports festival.

Y/n: "Alright! Your Candy Apples are in the fridge by the way!" You shout at Eri, making her come back with a load of candy apples in her arms, and one on her head.

Eri: "Already got 'em!" Eri said while grinning.

Y/n: "Ok! Now then Chara...

It's time to shock the entire world.

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