Chapter 16

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Eri: "Really?! I hope it gets recorded! Those explosions from your last attack were sooo pretty!" Eri said while running around imitating explosions in her hands.

Y/n: "Oh dont worry, we'll make sure that when we destroy UA, It'll be a firework show." You said ominously.

-Cut to UA.-

Everyone who had been injured had been completely healed, and the ones who had lost limbs had their mechanical limbs reattached, Aizawa had a mechanical eye that he could use his quirk with, Tsuyu had her eyesight back but she sure as hell hasn't been mentally healed yet, Iida had his leg back, and surprisingly, his Engines were growing back, So Hatsume and Melissa had fo make some adjustments to his leg to allow his engines to grow without damaging the technology.

Everything was good, Everyone was healed fully and was in shape to learn again Until suddenly, Everyone has a chill run down their spine. Everyone also had a feeling that they were being watched, but they just thought that they were overly anxious since they were attacked so they ignored them, little did they know, that would be their last mistake.

Then, the lesson is over but before the class could leave, Aizawa said he had an announcement to make.

Aizawa: "Everyone, Tomorrow we will be going to The Summer training camp. Not only to help some of you get used to your new limbs but also to train up to fight against those villains." Aizawa said, making everyone shiver at the mention of you.

Speaking of you, you were laughing your ass off. Not only at their reactions at the meer mention at you, but at the fact that they're gonna try and train tomorrow.

Chara: "What's so funny? Did that stupid class your watching over saying something?" Chara asked, thinking that the class did something you found funny.

Eri: "Yeah Papa! What's so funny?" Eri asked you curiously.

Y/n: "O-Oh You won't believe this!! They... They are gonna try and train TOMORROW. Man, they are so bad at timing!" You explained to Eri and Chara, making them pause for a moment before bursting out laughing.


Eri however, was laughing as she had never laughed before. She was laughing so hard that she started coughing. When you saw this, you immediately went to get her a cup of water while chara starting patting her back.

After you gave Eri the cup of water, she finally calmed down. Then, you began to speak.

Y/n: "Geez... Guess It was too funny..." You said as you sheepishly rub the back of your head.

Eri: "Yeah..." Eri then thinks for a bit, about everything, All the moments she has spent with you, all the candy apples she got to eat, and all of the times she smiled. Eri then starts crying.

When you see her crying, you and chara begin to panic and scramble up an apology.

Eri then interrupts you and chara apologizing by jumping on the both of you and bringing you both into a family hug.

Eri: "T-Thank you! *hic* for everything!" Eri said while crying happy tears on you and Chara.

You and Chara then look at each other for a moment, having similar thoughts.

Y/n: 'Man, Now that I think about it... We've come so far. It barely feels like yesterday when I got disowned by my fake family. And now, I have a real, happy family.' You thought to yourself while tearing up, finally having what you ever so desired.

Chara: 'I-I haven't even noticed! I, y/n, and Eri are almost exactly like a family! It feels like yesterday when I left my terrible family and started one with y/n... This is the first time that I've had A real, happy family.' Chara thought to herself while also tearing up.

Both of you then embrace Eri into the current cryfest harder and say at the same time:

Y/n & Chara: "No, Thank YOU Eri!"

-Timeskip 1 day.-

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