Chapter 17

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We cut to Class 1-A going to the training camp, Bakugo, who was mostly recovered from his mental scarring by you, got to go as well.

There was a bit of awkward silence, no one was saying a word. After a few minutes, Izuku is the first to break the silence.

Izuku: "So guys... Do we have a plan? To fight those villains I mean." Izuku asks, making every shiver once more at the mention of you.

Tsuyu: "W-Well Midoriya... I dont think there is a way to fight them..." Tsuyu responded to Midoriya sadly.

Izuku: "W-What?! You can't seriously think that right?!?!" Izuku asked Tsuyu in a concerned voice.

Tsuyu: "I am serious. I dont think we have any way of possibly fighting back against them, And thats, not me being hopeless or anything, thats straight facts." Tsuyu said, unaware that you were hearing the whole thing through Ochako.

-Cut to You and Chara.-

Y/n: "Alright Eri, we're about to leave! Be good ok?!" You shouted at Eri from another room.

Eri: "OK!" Eri shouted back while watching the Attack on the sports festival, still star-struck by the explosions.

You and Chara then dash out of the house and toward where the Class 1-A students were headed.

-Cut back to Class 1-A.-

Izuku: "Cmon Asui, No one is invincible! Im sure that they have some sort of weakness in their abilities somewhere, we just have to find it!" Izuku said, trying to prove Tsuyu wrong.

Tsuyu: "You're right, No one is Invincible. They proved that right when they killed All might." Tsuyu said while looking down, killing the mood.

Aizawa: "Alright class, we're here." Aizawa said while getting off the bus and meeting the Wild pussycats.

As they got off, Mandalay noticed their lack of enthusiasm in the class, along with that the majority of them had mechanical limbs.

Mandalay: "Eraser... What the hell happened to them? Why are their limbs Mechanical?!" Mandalay asked in a shocked tone of voice, She didn't know why because she along with every other pussycat were busy having a vacation out of state.

Aizawa then has a solemn look on his face, then he says: "2 Villains attacked the sports festival. And when they attacked, It was a complete massacre. Multiple heroes top-ranking heroes, Including All Might, were slaughtered by them. We never stood a chance. And after that, things only got worse. Japan was sucked into our chaos, Riots, Destruction, you name it it happened. And the New Number 1 hero Is currently Best Jeanist." Aizawa explained, making Mandalay tear up.

Mandalay: "A-All mights dead?! TWO Villains managed to do all of this?!" Mandalay said, referring to the students missing limbs.

Tiger: "Then we're gonna have to put these students through hell if we want to have a chance at fighting them." Tiger said.

Mandalay: "I agree, but, I fear that even that won't be enough." Mandalay said solemnly.

-Cut back to You and Chara.-

Y/n: "Alright, They have arrived at their pathetic training camp. Also, Aizawa just told some cat lady about us." You said to Chara while running.

Chara: "Cat lady? You know what, Nevermind. More importantly, How long until we get there?" Chara asked, not caring about whoever this "Cat Lady" was.

Y/n: "3 hours." You said to Chara.

Chara: "OH HOW I WISH FOR THE ABILITY TO FLY!" Chara shouts to the heavens, desiring the ability of flight.

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