Chapter 2

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Y/n: "Chara huh? That's a nice name. Anyway, Do you have any family or friends around here? We gotta get you back home." You said to Chara.

Chara then dons an angry look on her face at the mention of her family, which made you confused.

Chara: "Dont mention family around me, They disowned me because I was diagnosed as quirkless. They were also scared of me because my eyes were red, which is why that boy from earlier called me a demon." Chara said to you in an angry tone of voice with a hint of sadness.

Y/n: 'S-Shes like me!' You thought to yourself, surprised that this person had a past VERY similar to yours.

Y/n: "Well, I'm in the same situation as you are, my family disowned me because of my quirklessness, and they were scared of me because of my apparent "void-like" eyes are "dark evil aura" I give off." You said to chara, also shocking her.

Chara: "W-Well, I like your eyes, because Theyre bountiful, And I can get lost in them very easily." She mumbles while twiddling her fingers, hoping that you wouldn't hear, unfortunately, for her, you did.

Y/n: "Same here, I don't know why people consider red eyes demonic. Red is a beautiful color." You said straight up, causing her to blush.

Y/n: "Anyway, Enough with the compliments. Wanna come live with me? I could use a friend." You say bashfully whilst scratching the back of your neck.

Chara then starts tearing up, every person who saw her eye color immediately became scared of her. Calling her names like "demon" or "devil". You were the first person to ever call her eyes beautiful. So, as you expected, she took you up on your offer.

Chara: "Of course I'll live with you!" She says happily whilst bringing you into a bear hug.

Y/n: "AGH! I... CAN'T... BREATHE!" You say while struggling to get out of her grip.

Chara then drops you and apologizes profusely.

Chara: "I-Im Sorry! I didn't mean to!" She says while bowing at a 90-degree angle.

Y/n: "It's fine. Anyway, follow me! I managed to find an abandoned house that was in surprisingly good condition." You say while grabbing her hand and running toward your house.

-Cut to you getting to your house in record time.-

You're completely exhausted, it took longer than expected to get to your house and being a tiny 4-year-old with tiny child legs, It took a while to run all rhe way home.

Y/n: "This *Hah* Is it!" You say through exhausted breaths while pointing at the house.

Chara is completely shocked because you were right, this abandoned house looks like it was never even abandoned! It's in near perfect condition. There was also a dead bear in front of the house but she didn't pay attention to that.

Chara: "Woah! This is so cool! How did you find this?!" Chara asked Suprised.

Y/n: "Well, It was pure luck in all honesty." You admitted do chara.

Chara: "Well you got SUPER lucky! It doesn't look abandoned in the slightest!" She said praising you.

Y/n: "It isn't that impressive. Also, Let's get to cooking that bear, I bet you're hungry!" You said to chara, making her embarrassed.

Chara: "I'm not hungry you dummy!" She says angrily, her stomach then growled, making her turn tomato red.

Seeing Chara turn red from embarrassment was hilarious, so you started laughing your ass off.

Y/n: "AHAHAHAHA HO MY GOD YOUR SO EMBARRASSED! STOP! STOP! I CAN'T BREATHE!" You said to chara, mocking her while laughing your head off.

Chara gets extremely embarrassed by you laughing at her.

Darken the World (Malereader x BNHA) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now