Chapter 22

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You and chara were caught completely off guard, You two were expecting this to be easy peasy, destroy America and move on, but nope. Instead, It looks like America knew the threat that you two imposed, and decided to build a massive Cannon to take you out.

But how did they manage to do this? Well, it's most likely because you took too long getting out of japan. How did they power it? No clue. Probably used some people's quirks.

The blast rapidly headed toward you and chara, because you weren't flying at top speed and because this was completely unexpected, It hits, and it does massive damage.

You and chara were practically shot out of the sky, and your HP went from 9 million to around 5 million.

Y/n: "What the hell was that?!" You shouted as you were falling out of the sky, severally damaged.

Chara: "How the hell did they build that?! Why did it hurt so much?!" Chara also shouted as she was falling from the air.

And then, you two fell in the water, but it doesn't stop there. A squad of 10 with quirks that allowed them to make torpedos came charging at you through the water, And then, all 10 of them shot As many torpedos as they could at you, severally damaging you and chara even more.

Chara: 'What the hell is happening?!' Chara thought to herself as her HO went from 5 million to 4.6 million.

Y/n: 'Shit! We need to calm down and fight back!' You thought to yourself as your hp also got reduced to 4.6 million.

Then, you and Chara finally get it together and get to flying back in the air. But then, Multiple fighter jets came flying at you in the air, catching you and chara off guard once more. The fighter jets then fired bullets and even more missiles at you, and they hit. Doing even more damage to you and chara.

Chara: "Dammit! We need to get out of here!" Chara shouted as she activated her flight and dashed toward you.

Chara then opens her inventory and manages to get you and Chara in there, getting away from everyone attacking you.

Chara: "What the hell just happened?!" Chara shouted angrily as she started healing herself.

Y/n: "They probably planned all of this from the start." You said as you began to think about how they managed to damage you and chara so badly.

Y/n: "Ok, here's my Theory, Japan most likely tried calling in other nations to try and bring us down. But obviously, no one came to help, they most likely didn't help because they knew that they couldn't beat us with their quirks alone, so they decided to hang back and build that giant cannon while we destroy japan after they finished them most likely assembled a squad of people to catch us by surprise, which ended up working. Right now, They're most likely thinking that we've been erased from existence by all the weapons that they shot at us." You theorized, making chara gasp in surprise.

Chara: "Holy crap. Thats actually genius. I was NOT expecting that." Chara said, complementing the Americans for their genius.

Y/n: "I wasn't either, now the question is, what do we do? Now we know not to just go in guns blazing, I think we should sneak in and catch THEM by surprise and destroy all their weapons, and from there, we can wipe em out." You said to chara.

Chara: "Agreed. From now on we go stealth mode!" Chara said while throwing her fist in the air.

Y/n: "And once we're healed, we're going back." You said to chara, making her nod in agreement.

-Cut to America.-

Soldier 1: "Commander! The plan worked like a charm, y/n and chara are gone!" The soldier shouted happily at his commander.

???: "Dont celebrate too early. I doubt that those two are gone just yet, Remember, No body, no celebration." The mysterious figure said seriously to the soldier.

Soldier 1: "Oh, guess your right..." The soldier said sadly.

???: "But for now, let's go have a feast!" They said as they grinned while running back to the base.

Everyone: "YEAH!" Everyone said while running after their commander.

-Timeskip 3 hours.-

You and Chara were fully healed and were preparing to go back and wipe America off the map.

Y/n: "Alright chara, Im pretty sure we're healed enough." You said while stretching.

Chara: "Yup, we're ready." Chara said while also stretching.

You and chara then went back to the original world, in the same location you were before, but a few things were different. It was night, the perfect time to stealth your way into America. Another different thing was that every other building had its lights off, besides 1 large one.

Y/n: "That large building is most likely their base." You said to Chara, making her nod in agreement.

Chara: "Instead of flying straight toward it, let's fly to the side so that cannon cant hit us again." Chara said, making you nod in agreement.

Y/n: "Welp, no time like the present! Let's go." You said as you flew toward America once more, making Chara follow behind.

-Cut to the base.-

Soldier 2: "Commander, I think I speak for everyone when I say that You are a mastermind!" Soldier 2 said while having their arm draped over the commander.

???: "Oh cmon, It wasn't that smart of a plan." The commander said humbly.

Soldier 3: "But it was! You gotta give yourself credit when it's due Commander!" Soldier 3 said, once again complementing the Commanders genius.

???: "You dont have to keep buttering me up like this, I dont wanna come off as egotistical or an asshole, Also, you dont have to call me commander, you can call me...


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